Scientists have developed a new vaccine that — in conjunction with existing therapies — can not only treat aggressive melanoma, but also prevent its recurrence. It worked in 54 days.
I found this encouraging -Sept 2018- ... - Advanced Prostate...
I found this encouraging -Sept 2018- New cancer vaccine is 100 percent successful in mouse model - anti PD-L1 [Keytruda ?] plus Diprovocim

What is your thinking on taking anti-inflammatories in supplemental form vs nsaids.
Thanks for all the research you post here!
The NSAIDs tend to have issues. One doesn't hear of such issues with polyphenols. An exception is tea extracts which have been known to be liver irritants for years. I take a mix of polyphenols at a combined dose that is pro-oxidant, because I want to induce ROS in the cancer cells. The bonus is that they are all NF-kB inhibitors. Chronically activated NF-kB is the source of the COX/LOX enzymes that act on arachidonic acid in PCa cells to produce inflammatory metabolites.
The list is long, but includes:
etc, etc
I have posted on all of the polyphenols that have PCa papers on PubMed.
Great, I am new at this, so please bear with me, on PubMed what do I look under to see all your polyphenols post, and when you say pro-oxidant that is the opposite of antioxidants, thanks for your research and patiences.
All of the polyphenols are antioxidants when used in moderation, as found in the diet. But at high doses, they become pro-oxidant. This is beneficial when trying to kill cancer cells. Most cancer treatments involve the generation of reactive oxygen species [ROS].
Frankly, I have yet to master the HealthUnlocked Search feature. Sometimes I have better luck with Google. Either way, search on <pjoshea13 "Foods/Supplements-Vitamins">. For a specific polyphenol, add the name to the search. Good luck!
The mice luck out again........
all approved meds have to be cleared by the rats first !