I can’t thank everyone enough for the positive and uplifting replies to my post 2 days ago. I have gone from an almost debilitating anxiety level to being able to focus on helping my dad beat this. Here’s me and my dad. He’s a great man! He’s an immigrant from Italy that came over more than 40yrs ago. He runs his own business and is the hardest working man I know. He can fix anything, has the funniest sense of humor, and is a man of God. Him and my mom gave me and my brothers great opportunities. I love him with all of my heart. Until last November he has never been sick in his life. Getting diagnosed with stage IV advanced metastatic prostate cancer was devastating to us all. His recent PSA jumps and ominous news of only having 12 months left if he is indeed castrate resistant had my anxiety through the roof until I joined this group. Thank you to everyone that has given us hope! This was us on the 4th of July! 😀 God bless you all!
Thank you for giving us hope!!! - Advanced Prostate...
Thank you for giving us hope!!!

Wonderful pic! (Hugs have medicinal properties, too, I've heard.)
He gets hugs daily Charles. He’s actually my next door neighbor and I love it!!!
Beautiful picture. I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace. 🙏💛
Thank you so much! God bless you!
Keep this picture and show it side by side to the one you take of the both of you in five years.
This message made me really happy. Thank you!
Beautiful photo! Thank you for sharing it with us! How lucky for your dad that you live next door! Wish our kids were that close!
Your dad is fortunate to have such a loving daughter there for him while he’s on this PCa journey. Many friends here talk about the unexpected blessing that comes from this disease. It can really bring us closer together with our friends, family and God...which is really what matters.
Please keep us posted on his progress and let us know how we can help!
Thank you James!
That's wonderful! I hope that you will remain in this focused state as it is much better for your own health and well-being and the health and well-being of your dad. Good luck to him!
Thank you Mel!
Hi Hope, I know first hand the love of a Daughter . I have two Daughters and an older Son while they all love and respect me equally showing it outright defiantly goes more to the girls. On an ongoing daily basis my Daughter's compete for the title of Daddy's little girl . it is very important to your Dad that your love and support are there always, us Father's in this Brotherhood will I'm surely agree its hard enough having being dealt this hand in mind and body without facing it alone. He is a lucky man to have a wonderful Daughter so close. I wish him good luck and God's blessings. Leo
Thank you Leo and there is just something about a daughter and her dad. We sure do love our daddies! I’m so happy your daughters are there for you.
Hec ya leo!
Great pic! The smiles say it all. Best wishes and prayers to your dad and you. Hope to see many more of those smiley pics for many years to come.
Thank you Mark!
What a handsome Dad and a beautiful daughter!! Great picture!! 💗 My husband is around your Dads age seventy five young. These old Italians are strong. My husband Sams last name is Giangiulio, can't get any more Italian than that. Lol!! We will all of us together keep fighting and no giving up!! 😊 Sam, like your Dad had his own business, His was a construction company and Sam has always been fit and mentally strong. Keep up the faith and know that we all here on this sight have your back, we are all in this together, I believe in the power of prayer. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Lots of prayers 🙏🏻 and hugs coming your way!! Loved the picture of you and your Dad!!!
Love, Lynn Pa 💗 😘
Thank you Lynn! I believe in prayers as well. I appreciate the kind words.
He is a blessed man to have such a loving, loyal and steadfast daughter by his side.
In my opinion that is the best “medicine “ anyone could have.
Thank you Blount. I’ll do anything for him!
Hey thank you so much for sharing your beautiful picture. Happiness and love are in the smiles
Thank you Scruffybut1!!
Thank you for all of the sweet comments. They lift me up and help keep me focused. I am a worrier-always have been and my anxiety can take hold if I don’t stay focused. Everyone here has helped me so much and given me hope. I believe the mind can do amazing things and luckily my dad has a very strong optimism about him. He always has.
One more question and I apologize if this sounds ignorant but it has been on my mind. My dad‘s first two Lupron injections were given to him in his hip muscle. This last injection was given to him in his arm and this is the one where the PSA started rising could there be a correlation at all??? I guess I’m just grasping at straws. I have such a hard time understanding why after such amazing response to Zytiga and Lupron that the PSA took a turn so quickly and aggressively.

Hopefully your Dad will get a kick out of the youtube below.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Sunday 07/08/2018 1:50 PM EDT
This made both of us laugh! Thank you so much!!

I’ve been on lupron for nearly 2 years. Similar situation to you father. They always offer me arms and hip option and leave the choice totally up to me. I’ve had them in both places randomly over time and it keeps doing its thing. Judging from the way they ask me they don’t care which choice I make.
Thank you for your reply and I’m so happy it’s still working for you! Did your PSA ever go up during this time and then go back down or has it consistently stayed down the entire time?

My testosterone has stayed extremely low during that time which is what the Lupron does. I have been on zytiga since November which got my PSA down below one. It is starting to sneak up a bit which is almost certainly me developing resistance to it, but as people mentioned in your other thread there is a decently long list of treatments to go. I’m lucky enough to live very near Stanford and they are likely to put me on a trial of lu177, the point being get an oncologist who specializes in PC at an advanced cancer center and I’m sure your dad will go on for many years.
Great photo btw

His cancer may be becoming castration resistant. This is where it no longer responds to the testosterone lowering and/or anti-androgen meds. Not to worry...there are other options for treatment.
Thank you Lombardi24!
Nice Pic... Tell your Dad that he's got a wonderful daughter. And you keep on hugging him, but make sure you don't tie his hands together because he'll lose his ability to communicate. Ciao Bella.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Sunday 07/08/2018 1:37 PM EDT
That’s me too! I talk with my hands more than he does! Too funny!
Ciao j-o-h-n !
You always bring smiles to us on healthunlocked. Much appreciated Sir.. thank you ..
We're all individuals and we all respond differently. One thing is a constant and that is a positive attitude. Keep on thinking yes, your father has many more years of good life and you'll be amazed at the effect on him and you.
Thank you so much for this Stegosaurus37!!!
Like the little train that could. I think i can i think i can , we just keep chugging alone. Good day to you Stego!
I am now 66 years old. Retired 1-1/2 yrs. Up until last November, I too was never ever sick. Worked mostly 60 hr. weeks all of my life. Then, Merry Christmas.. Ended in the hospital in bad shape. Stage 4 prostate cancer, spread everywhere. Hemoglobin in the 5's. Blood transfusions etc to keep my alive. Got the hospital oncologist and he put me on Zytiga, Lupron (chemo) and prednisone. Taking calcium for the bones (chemo is hard on the bones). Slowly got better and 7 months later reaching almost normal. Psa was over 800, now under 1. Doc says if my psa goes up, there are other treatments. My chemo, Lupron shot was always in the butt. Get infusions every month (that saves the bones from the chemo) with a B-12 shot. Lab work every month. seems like your dad is a fighter like me. We don't give up. Listen to his doctor and learn from this site. Now I'm cutting, splitting and stacking wood for the winter. Wifey and me enjoy the wood heat in the winter. We are enjoying life much more now too..Keep fighting this monster and have fun in life. We all have our time you know, but -- not today..lol
Thank you so much for your reply lincolnj8. I love your story and blessings to you for many years of cutting and splitting wood and enjoying time with your wife. Your story has given me hope and helped my anxiety so much. Thank you

Day at a time. Enjoy the simple things and take it slow.
Sounds like Abraham lincoln
in a log cabin . Stacking wood for the winter. Wishing you happiness and good things in life.. Keep stacking and live , love and find happiness.. Im happy because in the desert SW rain came and temps dropped from 105 to 80. Oh yah... we are just passengers on this ship. Enjoy the nature and the views along the way.. Take care lincoln8 ..
Lovely picture..i know exactly how your feeling..my dad was given 2 years and that was 5 and a half years ago..hes just finished 10 rounds of chemo..we have a meeting with his oncologist Monday to see where to next.. hoping to get on a trial.. keep going and enjoy every minute because none of us really know what's around the corner.sending hugs x
I pray that your meeting goes well and he is responding to the chemo. I would be ecstatic if I could have 5 more years with my dad. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m happy your Dad is hanging in there. I wish him many many more years.

Thank you so much and I'm pretty confident you will have another few years with your dad.cherish him.take care x
What corner?. I really dont want to know whats around the frickin corner.. live for today. That is the battle cry of warriors.. peace to you today.. hope papa’s trials will get a reprieve from them sufferage... He has you. Thats true wealth... Bless our fine daughters that love us no matter what.....take care Nathalie89. Peace to you and papa... 🌵

Thank you so much.its always so hard when it's time to meet the oncologist.nevet knowing if it's good or bad news.take care 💜❤
Chow bella!! A wonderful father with a loving daighter. This is lifes greatest reward to have you by his side... Dont let The words of the dr stick in our head.... apc is a life lesson to all involved. Time to love and cherish each other... we need to stuff the fear of death and suffering into the trash can. Fear , anger, bad emotions will bring us down with apc on board.. Your love can make life worth living... us men get our wings clipped , 1st chemically castrated then living with diminished capacities, crazy emotions and a relentless foe.. you papa can do much but the main thing is to find acceptance and adjust to a new limited lifestyle.. The simple things in life ahow us their value when we ate down.. He has you ... if we have someone on our side we can survive. No long term projections of life given to us from the drs. You can fo better than the drs say. Ive bee; on a all out health kick gor 3yrs sonce my dx. Im far from normal in funtioning but i am still here. I pray for you and dad to share a deep love .. that last forever.. love never dies.. Be strong yourself , pamper him .. God bless..😎
When there’s a plan, then there’s hope and the anxiety fades. Keep seeking hope - Hopeseeker. 💗. Good luck at your appt. keep us posted. Prayers for you.
Family support is the best medicine for your dad....we live in an age where prostate cancer is not a death sentence...just a life changer....we have to adjust to our new lifestyle....
this is the world we live in....I attempt to stay positive and upbeat....not easy to do with Zytica and Lupron....
I get hugs everyday from my two boys 10 years and 8 years, they light up my day-night and keep me fighting.