How long can you stay of chemo before starting another cycle
How long: How long can you stay of... - Advanced Prostate...
How long
Forever if you are the luckiest guy around and it doesn't show its ugly head again. Good luck and keep your eyes open.
Well, usually infusions are either every two or every three weeks. If the Chemo controls your cancer growth, you can't stay off it long because then the cancer would start growing again. The thing is to stay off it long enough so that the body can recover but short enough so that the cancer doesn't start to grow more. Do you see what I mean? Why do you ask?
All chemo is poison and your body reacts to it. Some people's reaction is stronger than others and some people take longer to recover than others. Some of the damage will be temporary and some permanent. I've had 6 infusions of taxotere, which is the standard, but the last infusion turned me into a zombie and I'm just starting to get my vitality back after three months off it and my tastebuds are permanently damaged.
I have made the personal decision that I will not go back on chemo. For me the game ain't worth the candle. You never stop fighting but you never forget why you are fighting. I'm now on Xtandi and both my urologists and oncologists are amazed at how well I'm doing. Initially they thought I wouldn't last to Thanksgiving. Now everybody is confident I'll get well into 2019 at the least.
Consider all your options with the pros and cons. This site is an incredible resource of knowledgeable people who've been through all sorts of treatments with all sorts of results. Do not give up and remember we're all pushing for you.
I read your other posts. I’ll comment on this as they are all related. In 2004 I underwent a six month chemotherapy - hormone therapy trial. Essentially I had Taxotere one week and Adriamycin the next. Akertnating fir a six week period. This called a cycle for me. A two week break and then another cycle. Following by another two week break and the third cycle; totaling 180 days.
In addition, I took orally Ketoconzale with Taxotere and Estrustimine with Adriamycin. I also had 30 mg of Prednisone every day for the six months.
Some say this cocktail would never work.... I say, I was able to stop Lupron Injections in 2010 and remain undetectable with clean bone scans.
If your MO says more chemo, take it. He might also read about Dr. Robert Amato’s trial protocol and see if could help you. I have posted trial results in this group. Your guy can read the entire study.
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