So we are on the final day of a two week Italy vacation and Greek cruise. We asked our children and grandchildren to share this vacation with us to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Since Craig has been fighting his battle for 14 years now with many ups and downs, I wasn’t sure it would ever happen. Sadly, he started having blood in his urine in the beginning of our trip, and it has continued off and on since then. It seems to be aggravated by activity, so we have not been able to keep up with the rest of the family. I am anxious to get back to the US and am so grateful we have gotten this far without having to go home early or head to the hospital in a foreign country. I have noticed some problems with memory and know we should call his doctors when we get home. We are trying to decide who to call. His urologist, his oncologist or pcp? Any ideas?
Tricky vacation: So we are on the final... - Advanced Prostate...
Tricky vacation
Either one but I’d try the oncologist first. Sorry your trip is ending with this but sounds like most of it was enjoyable. Glad you guys made it.
Glad you got your vacation. I have appointments with all three this week. Last scans good except for one wild bone met, deterioration of hands, wrists, major joints. and two partially collapsed lungs. All soft tissue mets undetectable. Other bone mets much less active. Take the good with the bad these days. Changed meds ten days ago without calling oncologist, unacceptable toxicity and been getting worse side effect daily for last two or three months. Took three days to start feeling much better and resume semi normal life. Xtandi can be just as tough on you as taxotere. Should be "fun" week for us all. Good luck with Drs and treatments.
I checked "like" above to applaud your sense of adventure and the time you had with family on this cruise. Without knowing your particular "ups and downs" of the last 14 years, I think I would contact whichever one received eMessages that you could send from the boat (via the Institution's Medical App, if any, or regular email or even phone). That might get you into an appt. a day or two earlier, and it will let you know someone's 'waiting' during the long flight home. Kudos to you both for toughing out the trip and giving your family (and yourselves) this time together!
Hi Craigslife
Sorry to hear of your husband's problems. A couple of things, by the fact you're celebrating 50 years of marriage (God bless you both) it sounds like your husband is in his late 60s or 70s. Try to be a little optimistic as I can imagine after 14 years of prostate war you have had your share of shattered optimism. I would recommend starting with a urologist. Hematuria could be related to many problems, but if his memory is a problem he could have a whopping urinary tract infection that is on the verge of being septic, especially if his memory problems are all of a sudden. Most urologists are quick to send the patient back to the oncologist if it looks like a change in cancer status. I have only had this disease for 7 years but have a SP tube with every urinary complication you can imagine after a salvage prostatectomy 2 years ago that turned out to be a disaster for me and I still ended up with Stage IV mets. Good luck and keep us posted
Been there with blood in the urine and a cancer scan showed a kidney stone. What meds is he taking? Like others said he might self adjust.
So happy you made it through the trip with no cancels.
Hi. This sounds like it might be a urinary tract infection (UTI) which could be easily addressed with antibiotics. May be worth calling his urologist and getting their input while still on vacation.
With blood in the urine, I'd go with your urologist. This gets tricky with me. Is a problem a residual effect of my chemo, a side effect of the Xtandi I'm on now, the cancer itself or just plain old age? Hard to know!