Does anybody have any experience with the BSD 2000 hyperthermia unit and either lo dose chemo or reduced radiation?
BSD 2000 hyperthermia treatment - Advanced Prostate...
BSD 2000 hyperthermia treatment

I don't know that particular delivery system, but I think it has potential and deserves more study. Here's an article about hyperthermia with radiation, and at the bottom I answered a question about its use with chemotherapy. It mentions MW systems like the one you asked about. There are a couple of interesting clinical trials using interstitial heating along with high dose rate brachytherapy as salvage treatment.
An excellent article, but it seems it is recommended as a first line treatment. Not sure if a second round of radiation could include hyperthermia. The Sonotherm 1000 is what they use at the Santa Monica Cancer center.
What is your situation for which you are considering this? Salvage after RP? Metastasis? There are links to ongoing clinical trials for its use along with salvage radiation.
My PSA currently is 81, scans show no bone or lymph mets. So, pending results from the scope, I am guessing the Onc is going to suggest the hormone shot. I also think it is best combined with some chemo. Now that is not what I want. I have been turning down the hormone shot from day 1. But I am open to Hyperthermia combined with low-dose chemo or low dose radiation. That is one of the main treatments in both the German and TJ clinics. Not sure if he will recommend a second round of radiation since I have already had UCLAs trial run re: SBRT for cancer outside the cap in 2016. Mine has spread to the seminal vessicle and the nerve bundle.
Not thinking about the Salvage treatment.
I still don't quite understand. My understanding is that you had SBRT for your high-risk (stage T3b) prostate cancer in 2016. And you didn't have the 9 months of hormone therapy with it. But you had a recurrence, and you've only had a bone scan/CT on which they saw nothing. Why haven't you had an Axumin PET scan?
I don't understand why you would have chemo if you don't have any detected metastases. And where would they target radiation? The hyperthermia is beside the point.
What is the Axumin PET scan. Here is what I did have in addition to the whole body scan. This is the pelvic scan.
Magneic Resonance Imaging 6/1/18
Findings: Prostate size- 3.1cmx5.1cmx3.4cm(previous size in 11/29/15 was 5/2X3.3x4.5)
Peripherl Zone: Questionable ill-defined area of low T2 signal within the R lateral base involving the right seminal vesicles and right neurovasular bundle.
The Axumin PET scan/CT is available at UCLA. It specifically finds metastases. It should be covered by insurance/Medicare. UCLA has a somewhat better PET scan too. It is called Ga-68-PSMA-11 - it costs $2,650 out of pocket, though. At your PSA, the Axumin scan should be fine. If that MRI-detected recurrence is only in the right lateral base/seminal vesicle and NV bundle and nowhere else, you can get salvage radiation (SBRT or HDR brachytherapy) and that might cure you. If the PET scan finds cancer outside of the prostate region, you'll require systemic therapy.
I did get scanned at USC in 5/17 PET Body Bopne 520-PT-17-001291 with Sodium Fluoride.
findings: No osseous Findings.
The right internal iliac node measures 15 mm in short axis, the right extgernal iliac node measures 14mm in short axis, the left external iliac node measures 13mm in short axis.
I don't know if these measurements are bad or not. The radiologist wants to EBRT me for those areas- 40 rounds of full dose.