Hello, today some news from Heidelberg. My husband will get the LU PSMA therapy in April. Today PSA 13ng, lymph node ,still hormono sensitive. Last ADT, zoladex treatment in July 2017, Cross fingers...HOPE!! Anne-Marie
LU PSMA: Hello, today some news from... - Advanced Prostate...

Glad to hear.
Please keep us posted on the results. Hope everything goes well and the treatment is successful.
That's great! How many treatments will he get? i wonder if chewing on ice will diminish the effect on salivary glands. Are you working with Uwe Haberkorn? What is the cost?
Fingers crossed, hoping for the best! Please keep us posted on treatments, Where you are being treated and how you were able to get this therapy. It is very important to many of us. Interesting thought that TA had about chewing ice to avoid the Salivary gland problem. I hope your treatment is successful.
Cold pads over parotid and lacrimal glands help to diminish the effect of Lu 177. They use cold pads for the 1st 12 hours during and after infusion.
Good luck Anne-Marie, I'm meeting with a Doctor here in Perth in late March about the same treatment. I look forward to hearing the results and wish you both good luck.
Hey Paul, hooe you get a good response on it. Please keep us posted.
Sure thing Nick, will do.
Hey Nick, I saw the Doctor about Lu177 yesterday. He went through a lot, but from what I recall, the main points were:
1. As I'm responding to Xtandi, I still hormone sensitive (as far as the clinical trial is concerned) and therefore not eligible to participate.
2. He is unsure if it is the best option for me as I do no have extensive end-stage disease, so he leans towards sticking with Xtandi for now.
3. He has arranged a PSMA/PET Gallium68 scan for me to see if I'm a candidate and suggested I see him again in 3 months.
4. He doesn't think there is a high risk of Leukaemia unless you have first been on a specific type of chemo which messes up your bone marrow, Docetaxel isn't one of those.
Up to 6 treatments , one every 4 to 5 weeks apart.
I wish you all the good luck also Anne-Marie. This treatment can be had in Sydney here & i was told 3 treatments were necessary but as i am still hormone sensitive they advised against it for now & the cost of it!!! well? what can you say? & i was told there is no cure for cancer, so just pay up & it might prolong life.It also makes us radioactive.
My cancer is hormone sensitive but that is a crazy term. My PSA has not been below 7.8 on regular Zoladex so there must be a hormone resistant clone even though the PSA is not going up.
I have had 2 doses of Lu177 in Sydney and will be re-scanned in 6 weeks. Mild dry mouth and some tolerable flare in pain, and fatigue but this could be due to the recently started abiraterone.
I will see what happens next
Metungboy... Can you let us know the results of your scans please as there is a lot of interest in the Lu 177 treatment.
My psa hovers around 5 to 7 at the moment so constant monitoring & the daily cosudex keeps it down? even though testerone levels are high, hard to figure.
Keep on keeping on
This reply is inappropriate and in very poor taste.
Hi Annie Marie,
I wish the best to your husband with the treatments. There's hope. Sending my prayers to both of you.🙏💛
If your husband's cancer is still hormone sensitive I don't know why you are considering Lu 177 psma therapy now itself. I have read somewhere that this therapy is considered only for homone refractory cancer. I hope the more knowledgeable people in our group will clear my opinion.
Thanks all of you,,,I'll let you know
Best wishes for you and your husband !! ...keep us posted. As a care giver myself I know what you are going through.
Take care and higs coming your way!!!
Sincerely, Lynn. Pa
Best wishes...keep the faith....praying
thanks, but sorry have the faith of the science only!!
did you see my post...a clinical trial phase II is starting in the U.S. in april...recruiting now
I can't find the information that you posted about a phase II clinical trial in the U.S. Would you re-post, please.
As I have reported previously, my brother had LU PSMA therapy in Sydney mid last year. He had two injections over 5 weeks. His PSA is now 0.1 and all signs of Ca is absent on PET scan.
He is due to have another scan mid -year. He looks and feels great, considering he had Stage 4 PCa.
no itsn't a clinical trial
Hi Anne-Marie. Good luck and please let us know how it goes! This is really important for many of us on this forum. Best wishes, Mel.
No longer hormone sensitive. It was NOT a clinical trial. See theranostics.com.au.
Hi, I was hoping you could update us on your husbands progress and side effects of this new treatment. Thank you.
My husband is still hormono sensitiv. He did a tep scan psma in Bruxelles in February : many lymph nodes. I was very enthusiasm by the treatment in Germany. We sent all the medical file in the Heidelberg university. After 10 days they were ok to start quickly in april. My husband wasn't sure about this. After consulting his doctors he decided not to do it yet. I was very dessapointed but he was his choice....
Today the treatment is zoladex after 3 months the psa was 0,45;
Best wishes for all of us