One of the great minds up here, Patrick, thinks anyone looking to formulate a cancer protocol would benefit from reading Steve Evans.
One of the great minds up here, Patrick, thinks anyone looking to formulate a cancer protocol would benefit from reading Steve Evans.
There is some useful information in here along with some BS such as the "treatments" for osteoporosis that don't work. Keep in mind, there are no treatments here, only potential adjuvants (IE. things you can add to current proven "standard of care" treatments.)
As far as the writer of these protocols and his attidude toward proven treatments, here's some of what he has to say: (emphasis is mine)
4. Your Worst Sources
In some ways, this section hidden here in the depth of this volume may be the most important. The reason is because I am sorry to report that the worst source of information if you have cancer is your oncologist. There are many reasons why this is so.
First, your oncologist is constrained to give you what is called the standard of care. There are guidelines that the aggregate of oncologists have determined are the proper approaches for every type and stage and variation of cancer. Oh, there is some wiggle room but nothing worth writing home about. It violates the Standard of care for them to do otherwise. This creates havoc.
For one thing, nothing in this volume is part of the standard of care. So for all intents and purposes, there is nothing here for them to consider. Where they may think it might not harm you, they might tell you, essentially, “whatever.” Since anything might affect what they do, or they fear that anything might affect it, the only safe thing to protect their own legal self is to just negate anything until they are completely through. Maybe by then you are in hospice care, preparing for death. Then, do what you will. Maybe you are in “remission,” and Job Accomplished, so you can now do what you will. Otherwise, they are usually against it.
Yes, it is true my oncologist is constrained to giving me the standard of care. Thank God for that! If I had only done what's in this article instead, I'd be dead by now.
There is a free 150 page ebook...go here to his website and ask for a copy. I just emailed him.