Happy holiday season to all my friends. If you don't practice the holiday season, I continue to wish you well. We are all brothers and sisters in arms no matter what day of the year it is.
Holidays. : Happy holiday season to all... - Advanced Prostate...

Happy holidays and all the best to you! X
Happy Holidays to You and all my Brothers and Sisters on this site.
May they all be safe.
Merry Christmas to everyone. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season. It’s 23.29pm in the UK and myself and my wife are waiting for our 4 children to finally sleep before we can proceed with operation Santa. Thank you for all the support on this site it’s made my journey a lot easier. 👍
Hey Merry Christmas from Twickenham Apollo. By now your house must be full of wrapping paper. Have fun.
It’s full to the brim of paper and hyperactive kids!! They all had music speakers so it’s like battle of the bands upstairs! Hope the weather is better in Twikenham than in Porthcawl today. Hope you’ve had a good day!
Merry Christmas Apollo123. Sounded like lots of fun. Operation Santa
It was but I’m shattered now!! I tend to have real fatigue about once every three months especially after over exerting myself but a few days rest and I will be back to normal. 👍Hope you had a great Christmas.
"I tend to have real fatigue about once every three months especially after over exerting myself." Do you partake in some sort of exercise EVERY day? Try and "fight" through the fatigue with 30 minutes of walking if you can find the time.

Hi I walk 4 miles everyday but if I decorate or lift heavy items all day that’s when the fatigue hits. I do weights every morning also as I’m trying to fight the muscle wastage. Thanks for looking out for me nameless. 👍
Got to fight through it. Remember your mind controls your body. It's all about how bad you want it. Now go open up a can of Whoop ass and clear the streets of thugs.
Of course what do I know?
Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all.
Everyone here has helped make this a wonderful year for me, despite my diagnosis. Thanks to everyone on this forum!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year nameless
Hi nameless,
Many thanks for your thoughts.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the friends in this site!
Not forgetting their caregivers too!
Thank you nameless for sharing great holiday wishes with your sisters and brothers. My lady comes first this Christmas as I have a virulent chest infection to go with my PCa and as a sick bay patient can only help by opening bottles of wine. And by helping her and daughter - another sister of course - to drink them.
to nameless9999
Merry Christmas and a Happy and a Healthy New Year to you and yours
(and of course to all here on this site).
BTW I don't see my units patch in your display. Remember, I was a USO commando!
Of course what do I know?
j-o-h-n Monday 12/25/2017 12:06 PM EST
And we'll beat you again! But only together can we beat this damned disease. David
Beat who again?
Beat Wales again. And again.
I will never forget John Arnold, A man who frequently posted on this list years ago. John was always there to comfort men newly diagnosed, John posted until his death in 2012, and showed us how it was to die from this disease, John was a Marine vet from Michigan, little did any of us who knew him through this list know that he was responsible for feeding so many people in this Country as he was the founder and director of a major food bank and he changed the way food banks work in this Country, John was very humble. RIP John Arnold!
Beautiful words 💖. Thank you nameless.