If you fail xtandi and zytiga, how long do most stay on chemo. My Medonc say if it works, then never stop. Is this standard care in 2017
How do you take chemo: If you fail... - Advanced Prostate...
How do you take chemo

Thats where I am, I plan to do it until the side effects bother me, I had heard it is possible to get a second response to xtani or zytiga after a year , or even to maintain with it, thats what I plan to do
I did a six month trial 13 years ago. Still undetectable. Has mets to L2 and T3. Taxotere Aleena ting with Doxyrubicin.
Good luck,
Gourd Dancer
My treatment began with Zoladex in Jan '15 and am still having it x 3 monthly. When initial effects reduced Nov 3 '15 started 10 cycles chemo. Nil side effects. After planned 10 I asked for more but Onc refused on the grounds more would kill me. Gave me 5 months free of meds (still on Zoladex) to clear my body for next phase. Zytiga from Sept '16. Consistent 0.030 since. Am now able to take chemo again if necessary.
I am on chemo till it doesn't work any more. I understand it is the standard treatment as of today. So far I have done 9 sessions with Taxotere and Carboplatin. I had a port installed in me to facilitate the process as my veins were a problem. The port is great. I also put my hands and feet in ice during the Taxotere to help with side effects of the Taxotere.
My husband failed those drugs too .he then started jevtana .he took taxotere after casodex and before Zytiga and Xtandi .he then tried taxotere again and his last and final tx was xofigo ..there are so many drugs to try depending on what is available for you.
I ran into a fellow by chance a few years ago, and he said he has been on continuous chemo for eight years. I don't want to go through that.

This was a late-stage guy, right, Joe? He wouldn't have had the newer drugs as options. As a well-known prostate expert told me, "2011 was the Dark Ages in prostate cancer."
I didn't realize that chemo could keep a late-stage guy alive for that long. Was he complaining about side effects/quality of life?
Neal, I had only this one conversation with him and it was about, hmm, 2011 or so. He appeared pretty healthy, actually he was a big dude, very well fed. And it was late stage as he told me he had been sitting on a tennis ball for quite a while. He was a truck driver, and couldn't put up with it any longer, and it was PCa.
Number 1 , which is you, you NEVER FAIL A TREATMENT. your body just seeks an alternate route. My hand to hold my.shoulder to cry on my silliness to enjoy for all my brave friends. You rock guys!!!!!;;
My onc says 6 doses is his treatment. I was on a trial for nanoparticles of taxotere, but had to stop after 3 months due to neuropathy.
In my circle, the aim is for 10 cycles of docetaxel. However, lack of response (increasing PSA) with neuropathy and edema (with 150mg dose) meant aborting treatment. R