I had my first injection of Eligard on August 19, 2016 and the bump is still there! Does anyone know when this bump will go away? The nurse told me in 10 days. She was wrong! The cost of being teated is rediculous!! This medication is very high! And I have insurance! I get this medication every 3 months. 1 have been treated for Prostate Cancer since 2005!
Eligard Injection site bump - Advanced Prostate...
Eligard Injection site bump

Jeff, see Joels' answer in the last time you posted regarding your eligard bump. this, I believe that to be the best answer.Really like your background pic with the boats, where is that?
After my first injection it took about a month for the bump to go away. The second one took about three weeks. Look on the bright side.....if you have a bump the meds haven't been fully absorbed. You want the med to last for three months. The Eligard injections are comparable in price to other meds and the shots are less painful.
the injection is supposed to be given at an angle rather than straight in. it is supposed to be deposited in the fat but if it goes between the fat and the skin it takes a lot longer to be absorbed , thus the bump
I wonder how many Eligard injections your RN has given? As explained earlier in the fat at an angle. I always got my injection in the upper butt/hip where there is fat. Disapated in several days. Then there is the possibility that your husband has very little fat; hence the long-term bump. I have had about 24 injections and prefer over Lupron. I have had any injections in 6+ years. I remember the cost of either drug about $3500 and my cost after insurance was $35. Perhaps the other cost problem is directly related to this administrations insistence on "free" healthcare for those who do not work or who make too much money in retirement. "Remember, that it is your "American duty to pay for the health coverage who would otherwise, choose not to have coverage." I do not mean to be political, yet, it is what our democratic leadership across the board wanted and passed.