Biopsy Pain?: I received a response... - Advanced Prostate...

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Biopsy Pain?

15 Replies

I received a response from DS_WAVL, about the pain I experienced while having my biopsy done. In hindsight, It was a trainee who did it. The doctor observed. I have no idea why the doctor didn't see the discomfort I was in, and call a halt to it. 

I now have another item on the list of things that went awry. I would not have known this if I was not involved with this forum. I would like to thank  Joel.

Peace my friends, Joe

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15 Replies
micwright profile image

what kind of anesthesia do they administer first? How long is the biopsy procedure? how long does it take to get results? Does the pain endure?

in reply to micwright

I'm not a doctor by any means, but you responded to my post so here it goes...I assume I was to get a shot of Lidocaine. It's common for a lot of numbing procedures. The procedure took about two minutes, if that. Results don't take too long as I recall. About the pain. I obviously had a bad experience. If I had to go through it again, I would ask to be put out. But the feedback I got so far is I had a bad experience. I don't have any comments about the pain afterwards for other men, but I hurt. Bad.

My suggestion is to verify you have a doctor who is qualified to do the procedure. 

Best of luck, Joe

Jim48185 profile image
Jim48185 in reply to

Hi Joe, I had two biopsy's and didn't have very much lasting pain from either. Both were done by the doctor an didn't take very long. 

Michigan Jim

rhbishop2 profile image
rhbishop2 in reply to Jim48185

My urologist prefers to do it under a general anaesthetic for which I am very grateful. 

in reply to Jim48185

I got replies that ran the gamut, from no pain to horrible pain. This might be a matter that should be looked at a bit closer, I think.


S103462 profile image

I've had two biopsies -- one in 2012, the other in 2014. The first time, even after the local anesthetic, I was in much discomfort. I felt every one of the core samples being taken. Not extremely painful, but it certainly left me rattled. The second time (in 2014) was from a different urologist, due to us having new insurance and having to find an in-network doctor. That 2nd time, after the local anesthetic, I didn't feel a thing. I'll be going for a 3rd biopsy next month, from this same current urologist. Hopefully, I'll have similar positive results, both in the procedure and in the biopsy outcome.

As for having a trainee do the biopsy, I’d have to tell the doctor, “Respectfully, No.” 

Good luck with your future procedures.

Don1157 profile image

It was painful and it was done by an experienced urologist. I will not forget that. I laid on the table for a good 20 minutes after. No anesthesia no Valium, nothing.

jimreilly profile image

Back in the days when I was doing watchful waiting (eventually I had surgery) I had three biopsies. For the first one of them I was out completely (no discomfort, but inability to urinate afterwards required intervention), the second one conscious but not much discomfort, and the third one conscious with significant discomfort. The moral? it isn't always the same. Be sure you make your concerns known ahead of time, and, make your desires known for as little pain as possible. Ask your doctor about the various levels of pain control possible, including the possibility of doing it under general anesthesia.

Bogiedog profile image
Bogiedog in reply to jimreilly

Absolutely agree.  Had only one biopsy but the sound alone (I compare it to a nail gun used on construction sites) was unnerving enough.  I would tell my doc (highly qualified uro) I am a wimp if need be, but I would get some pain alleviation based on my single experience.

Mochapaul profile image

For several years, I had a biopsy every summer prior to radical prostatectomy some fifteen years ago. All biopsies without any meds. Some were uncomfortable, others were excruciating, and needed smelling salts. The biopsies were always performed by my urologist who was the Head of urology  of a major hospital. My point? If I had to do it over,  bring on the meds, because you never know how you will react. I just wish my doctor had warned me that there would be blood in my semen until healed.

CERICWIN profile image

I had incredible pain with my biopsy.     And I chose to allow the procedure to be completed rather than call a halt to it.       I have read about a lot of guys who've had multiple biopsies and didn't experience a lot of pain.

I asked my uro about it, and he said that my prostate was so very large that the painkiller wasn't able to reach all of the areas, and I choose to believe him.

Especially now, since the prostate tumor has begun to grow again, and my radiation oncologist called my prostate, "about the size of an apple."

But at the time of the biopsy, undergoing severe pain with each of the needles that went in, I realized at once that I would be better off withstanding the pain, rather than having to go through the procedure again.      


GARunner profile image

My one traditional ultrasound guided biopsy was very uneventful. Sorry for the main the posters experienced.  I wanted to mention for future reference that I have heard more than a few guys talk about having a biopsy while under a 3T MRI.  They reported nopain and no side effects.  There is also a procedure where yo first do a 3T multiparamic prostate MRI and then use the results to guide the traditional approach.  The reported advantage is that the biopsy is targeting a suspected cancer and not "shooting blind" poking into healthy tissue.  Just wanted to point that out.  If interested just google 3T multiparametic prostate MRI biopsy or MRI guided TRUS biopsy.  Not sure about insurance coverage for these procedures. Not a doc, but a member of the club who has tried to learn more about this disease.

Umpire20 profile image

I have had 3 biopsies in the 10 years I have been fighting prostate cancer. Two of them were under anesthesia and the middle one was in the doctor's office. The last biopsy was 2010. If I ever had to have another biopsy it would not be in the doctor's office. I do not understand why we should subject ourselves to unnecessary pain. - Jim 

GeoffNoLongerAS profile image

I was diagnosed in 2008 and have been on active surveillance since.  I have had 5 biopsies since by different doctors.  There has been some pain during the procedures and some bleeding during orgasm.  The biggest problem though was one biopsy put me in the hospital for 5 days with a blood infection.

I had followed the antibiotic regime and preparation carefully and still ended up with a blood infection.  A blood infection is one of the complications from a biopsy.  It occurs somewhere between 1% to maybe 6% of the time.  I have had a biopsy since then.  As part of the biopsy I received an additional antibiotic.  That occurred without incident.

There are possible complications from any invasive procedure.  Surgery of any type has a measurable death rate.  These are not reasons to avoid a procedure but to make a reasoned decision on is the information and benefit worth the risk.  

in reply to GeoffNoLongerAS

I'm sorry, I lost it at orgasm. WTF is that. It's been a long time since then.

Not from lack of trying. I'd be the first one to whack it if I could.

Thanks, Joe

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