Disorder is negative... order is the opposite
We should strive to 'order'
Disorder is negative... order is the opposite
We should strive to 'order'
Say more.
I am guessing here that you mean that treating the disorder of ADHD is negative language vs trying to create more order with our ADHD lives. Is that what you mean?
There are times when the "negative label" is helpful. And at least at the start of an ADHD diagnosis and journey, the negative label helps us get context and reason to not blame ourselves for having certain organization and administrative skills.
It is liberating for me to openly say, "I'm not with a lot of detail and organizing things." I have told people that at my job where I'm always being asked to sit on committees. I had a supervisor who once recommended that I co-run this little department. I had to tell him, dude that ain't my thing.
But maybe this is your point: I can say running programs isn't my thing without the slightest bit of self-denigration because working in the class with students (I teach college) is my thing. So I don't take offense to admitting my weak executive skills, I'm not bummed that I am not good at supervising others.
And then there's this: ADHD is only one part of us. Yes a huge part that can affect all the other parts. But we have interests and a sense of humor and activities and all kinds of preferences that may not have to do with ADHD.
But say more if can. I'm interested.