Intuniv: Today I start Intuniv. There... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Stefano921 profile image
20 Replies

Today I start Intuniv. There is someone that had a good experience with it?

Thank you in advance.

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Stefano921 profile image
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20 Replies
blueorganic1021 profile image

I tried Intuniv for about a month or so and unfortunately I had some very difficult side effects from taking it, so my doctor decided it was best to discontinue and to try the Strattera instead.

So far things are going ok with that, a few side effects in the beginning but disappeared over time and now starting to see improvements.

However, a lot of people have found relief from Intuniv and these medications are often different for each individual so it’s definitely important to give it a fair try and see how it goes. It could be a total game changer for you, you just never know.

Best Wishes for you 💙

Stefano921 profile image
Stefano921 in reply to blueorganic1021

Thank you very much for your answer.I will try it.

Dodger09 profile image

My oldest son started intuniv with and without a secondary stimulant med at age 5.5. He’s now 9 and it’s been amazing. He is very in tune with his treatment and prefers how he feels on intuniv. My younger son (almost 5) started the non extended release form a few months ago and I’ve seen a dramatic improvement in his behavior and ability to handle change and impulsive behavior.

Stefano921 profile image
Stefano921 in reply to Dodger09

Thank you for this encouraging message. Thursday night I start intuniv.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

My 12 year old just started Intuniv a week ago. His doctor recommended us to give him in the night. So far we haven’t seen any results. How long did it take for your son?

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

Very quickly full effect about a week. I can tell if my boys miss a single dose now. And yes we give the ER at night (seems strange but it works). We did have to work on the dosage. My oldest is 9 and has been on 4 mg ER for a while now and that’s the top the slowly worked up over 4 years.

The 5 year old is on 1mg ER at night and a 1/2 tab of the same the next morning (cutting the pill makes it no longer ER). 2mg made him sleep all day and 1 isn’t enough. We might actually try something else with him as we are trying to help him manage without a stimulant as long at we can. We will know more once he starts in person school Monday.

I would give it a good 2 weeks. What types of results are you looking for? Intuniv doesn’t cover the hyperactive/inattentive side of ADHD it’s more for impulse.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

Thanks for your reply? I am sorry but what is ER? My both the boys 12 years old and 7 years old have ADHD and younger one has ODD too. For older one we have tried lots of non stimulants but nothing worked except Retalin but he used to feel very tired and low. So we stopped it. He is not able to focus and struggling with remote learning. So, we hope it will help with focus, impulse and his anger. He is a big boy and he is on 1 mg not sure if it’s a right dose. Will be starting intuniv next week for my 7 year old too. For him I am hoping to see him more focused, less hyper, control his outbursts, listen and follow the directions. Right now life is a nightmare, nothing is easy with them. Younger one is repeating the kindergarten and I have to sit with him everyday for 4 hours. It is really stressful.

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

ER-extended release Intiniv is the brand name for the ER version and tenex for the standard. Both are guanfacine.

This med helps with impulse type behaviors yes. But does not calm the hyper, movement, wiggle, ability to follow and complete tasks etc

My 9 year old uses Quillavent (liquid stimulant) for that and it’s been great. Zero side effects.

My younger son only takes the intuniv and it’s a night and day difference in his ability to control his potty accidents. He would have 6+ a day down to zero. He would also melt down over everything(10-15 melts downs a day) but on the Med he only really fusses when he’s over tired this is with starting zoom school 5 days a week (8-11:15 self managed 90% in his room solo). I do feel it’s not a perfect fit for him without a stimulant and we will be making more adjustments in 2 weeks. He struggles to calm his body etc. we want to see how he in when he’s in the classroom next week.

1 mg is a very low dose even to start for kids of that age. Will probably need to increase to reach an effective dosage. I would call your doctor at the 2 week point and ask.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

Thanks so much! Will get in touch with the doctor by end of the week.

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

I know we all have a different take and I’m genuinely curious. Why no stimulants if they are struggling? Honestly judgement free. I’m also ADHD (diagnosed this last year just before I turned 40).

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

Tried couple of stimulants for my older one like adderall, retalin, concerta, vyvanse but we didn’t see any results except with retalin. He was able to focus but was staying very tired, sleepy, depressed. Then we also tried non stimulant which is strattera and again no results. Since he is been struggling with remote learning this year he wanted to try again if medication helps with focus. He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4 1/2 years old. My younger just got diagnosed with ADHD and ODD last month and doctor thinks if stimulants didn’t work for my older one it might not work for younger one too.

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

There are some stimulants that are made for children that we have used with great results. Those meds you listed are older and often used for adults. You might want to research focalin xr, quillavent or dyanavel. The last two are liquids so it’s easier to get a very exact dosage (my son takes a very small amount).

My oldest was 5 when diagnosed and the younger one was 4.5 as well. It’s such a struggle since they change so much as they grow. I’ve also found using ABA therapy methods along with medications help balance mine out. I’m not looking forward to 12 and puberty. That has to be so hard. Mine need a very defined routine, my older one doesn’t do well with change. He will make plans in his head and fall apart right now due to zoom school when he can’t reach them. They additional layers make things so much more of a challenge, mine are both gifted.

I’ve also noticed that once I was diagnosed and started managing mine I have been able to help them more. Their dad has it as well.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

Thanks so much for the info! I had no idea that there are ADHD medications meant for kids. I have already emailed his doctor to check about quillavent.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

I have made schedule for both of them couple of times but they don’t follow it. Maybe just for a week and then back to square one. I have depression and anxiety and it’s been really stressful for me. Sometimes I just give up and feel like a horrible mom and blame myself for everything.

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

I totally understand! I wish I could give you a great big hug! We are all just trying our best and covid is not helping the process at all!

Have you ever been tested for ADHD yourself? I ask because it can be genetic. It can also often display as anxiety/depression. My mother has been crippled by both her entire life, I am currently working on getting her into specialist as she shows a very strong linkage to ADD traits. I was also diagnosed with anxiety/depression by my GP and the diagnosis didn’t seem to fit. Reading articles on ADDitude about adult ADHD really helped me sort out my own thoughts as well as better understand my boys and my mother.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

I do feel I have ADD and got tested but didn’t get diagnosed. I have tried lots of antidepressants and anti anxiety but couldn’t tolerate the side effects.

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

Did you go through your GP or a psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD?

My mom’s GP finally admitted that her issues needed a specialist and were beyond their scope. I really appreciated her honesty.

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

It’s been 7-8 years and I was with Kaiser at that time. I did go through my psychiatrist and they did the testing on computer.

Dodger09 profile image
Dodger09 in reply to momwithhopes

The TOVA ? Yeah that ones trippy!

momwithhopes profile image
momwithhopes in reply to Dodger09

Not sure

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