Posts - CHADD's ADHD Parents Together | HealthUnlocked

CHADD's ADHD Parents Together

23,334 members6,195 posts

All posts for July 2019

Telling your child about diagnosis

My son is just about 10 years old, and we are feeling like it's getting to be ti...
Sofi515 profile image

To label or not to label? Need help!

Hello everyone, My daughter is 7 years old, and has been diagnosed with ADHD. ...
MissOz profile image

New to the ADHD Parents Community & Need advice

I'm raising my 7 yr old niece that has ADHD, not even sure how long she's had i...
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CBD oil

Anyone have any luck with CBD oil? I’ve been using it to help with sleep and I’v...
Boymom3 profile image


My 7 year old twin boys were adopted by us through foster care. We’ve had them s...
Boymom3 profile image

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