Does anyone have experience in their young child trying to communicate something and repeating the beginning of a sentence over and over until they are able to complete their thought? My son has been diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia. When he is trying to describe an event to me, for example something that happened that day at school, he seems unable to string his thoughts together. He repeats the beginning of the sentence over and over until he is able to complete his train of thought or sentence (maybe like 5-10 times). This is even when he on his medication during the day. Should I be concerned this may be something else besides his ADHD or Dyslexia? I just googled it and can't seem to find this exact behavior in speech anywhere.
5 year old repeating beginning of sen... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
5 year old repeating beginning of sentence multiple times...ADHD? Dyslexia? Something Else?

Oh, my kid absolutely does this. He's very very very very chatty, though, and I had put it down to him wanting to make sure he had the conversational floor even if he hadn't quite gotten his thought ready, though this was before his diagnosis. He's only been medicated for a few weeks and I can't remember if he's done this recently and if/when it happens when his meds are still in his system or not. I'll start paying attention to this specifically!
My grandson (8 yrs old) does that a lot! Sometimes it takes him forever to tell me something. He is adhd and dyslexic.
Hi there,
My daughter used to do this when she was younger and we saw an SLP for assessment. I was told it was part of a developmental phase and it would pass. She is now 9 years old and no longer does this. Maybe worth an assessment if you are concerned?
my son who is 9 now went through that phase as well. It can be a tik which is very common with ADHD kids and it’s usually worse when they are excited or tired. He actually went to occupational therapy for awhile and they worked on it with him. Do you notice it on and off meds or just one or the other?
Thank you. He seems to do it on or off the medication, but usually only does it if he is really trying to tell us something important to him (maybe it gets him excited like you said so it triggers that response). That's good to know!
Yep, that’s probably it. My son is 9 now and only does it if he’s really anxious or nervous. Very common in boys this age, even more so with ADHD at this age. Work on taking a breath, counting to 5 and then trying again. It’s hard though cause you don’t want to draw attention to it cause that makes it worse too!