New mom with very hyper toddler. Look... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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New mom with very hyper toddler. Looking for better techniques and some advice!

N3wM0m profile image
5 Replies

When I say I am sooooo happy to find this website you just don’t understand! I didn’t know there were resources available to help or community resources for support. This is so exciting to see.

My daughter is 2 and she is very very active. Her gross motor skills are off the charts and she is very smart and gets bored easy. I don’t know how to keep her busy without wearing myself out. Her behavior is tough. She loves to run from me and laugh, yell when I disciple her. She also isn’t talking much. Did anyone else have challenges with these things for a toddler?

We are going to see a neuro doctor to have her tested and seek help from OT and a ST. I am sure it is ADHD as this was is something I have and my husband has. We never really received treatment like we should have and developed a lot of bad habits because we learned to cope with it through other forms of entertainment constant tv watching or overeating when feeling busy. I would love to learn how to give my daughter a head start and learn how to help her without yelling or getting frustrated. I hate to see the looks I get from people in the stores or out to eat as the judge her like she is so bad and like they have never seen an active toddler before.

Thanks for all the support!

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5 Replies
Onthemove1971 profile image

Welcome! We are so excited you found the group and hope you share your experience with the group we all learn from each other. I would recommend you contact your local public school and ask them about the infant services. Most school districts have a "feeder" program that helps children birth through 3 years of age. At 3 years old children can start to receive school services.

Working with a child specialist would really help a lot. In addition to OT, which can help with sensory stuff.

We are always here for you and hope you consider all options for your daughter.

Take care

N3wM0m profile image
N3wM0m in reply to Onthemove1971

Hi Onethemove1971! Thank you for responding. I look forward to sharing success and challenges with everyone. I will reach out to our local schools to see if they have a feeder program. I was not aware of that!

I have scheduled an appt for speech therapy and the other appt. to have her evaluated but unfortunately due to the Pandemic the earliest appt. was in May for speech and the Eval for June.

My daughter sure keeps my husband and I busy which has caused a lot of friction with us so I am hoping to find some strategies and tips to use until we can work with a ST and OT.

MNmom99 profile image

Hi there and welcome to the site, I had to reply to this as it sounds just like how my son was at that age, nothing could keep his attention for more then a few minutes and it was exhausting moving from one thing to another all day. He ran from us when trying to get him to stop doing something, he’d throw couch pillows across the room ect., We also had a hard time getting him to sleep as I assume his mind was racing and too bored to sleep. It wasn’t until he was about 4 that we realized he should have assessment for a diagnosis we were at his 4 yr checkup and had answered yes to alot of the questions they ask on one of the forms for the appointment , so we struggled a lot until then and after learning more about ADHD my husband was diagnosed as well. Due to covid we only had the option for virtual sessions which didn’t help as My son definitely couldn’t stay put to look at a computer screen to talk with ot or behavior therapist My husband and I did some virtual family therapy to learn some skills that seemed to help and eventually we turned to meds as well. He just turned 6 and finally able to start in person sessions Dec 28 as in person sessions finally opened up and am looking forward to that. I guess I just wanted to say you aren’t alone and it sounds like you are catching this way early which is great. We used his primary doctor as a resource to help us find the place we used for family therapy. Maybe that would help for you as well? Anyways I’m glad you’re here I’ve found this site helpful and sometimes it’s just nice to see that you aren’t alone and have others to bounce ideas off or compare situations. Your daughter is lucky to have you and the fact you are looking into help so early is great. Good luck on your journey 🙂

N3wM0m profile image
N3wM0m in reply to MNmom99

Hi MNmom99!! Thank you so much for this message. Just reading your message helped me feel so much better! My daughter is always on the go and my husband and I have started to fight because of it and how we are approaching her being active and her behavior. He thinks I am too soft but that’s too many time outs for me. Lol I am going to ask her primary doctor about family therapy.

Do you mind me asking if your son had a speech delay? Seems my daughter is too active to settle down and talk.

I hope all goes well on your appt on the 28th!! That’s exciting! I heard OT AND ST help tremendously.

Thanks again for your message and being so transparent. It’s nice to hear that I am not losing my mind lol

MNmom99 profile image

Hi there, as far as the speech delay no he didn’t have that at all. Just very hyper and inattentive and couldn’t really focus much. The therapy helped wonders. What worked good for our son sometimes when he didn’t listen as we made a game out of things and just tried to be creative to make things more interesting example if he didn’t wanna take a bath we would say but I’m gonna race you there and I’m going to win there or something similar When he would throw stuff animals all over his room I made a game out of it grab the laundry basket and seeing if he could make baskets with the stuffed animals lol just anything to change up the situation to make it fun or at least one through a kids eyes when it comes time to eating he cant sit still so we didn’t push the issue of needing to “sit” and just let him stand or sit just as long as he ate it’s tough having a child like that but as adults it’s more important for us to change our mindset and behavior to parent the type of child we have not the type of child we think we need to have we still struggle but the therapy helped and thank you I’m so looking forward to the 28th lol 🙂

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