My granddaughter has been diagnosed as low level ADHD, higher level of social anxiety and mild dyslexia. Last year she stopped wanting to go to school & now that has extended to not wanting to do online work...she’s quite certain that she can be successful without additional education. I took her to a Psychiatrist who prescribed medication that she refuses to take. Last semester, she wanted to stay up all night and sleep all day. Now she has become rebellious and very “mouthy” which was never her personality in the past. Has anyone else had this type of experience with their teen? Also, has anyone tried CBD oil & what was the end result? I read a couple of studies, one in Japan that looks promising.
Dealing with a Rebellious Teen - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Dealing with a Rebellious Teen
You don’t say how old your granddaughter is. Is she a young teen or older. I’m curious as to why she won’t take the medication. Does she not feel better from taking it, in which case the psychiatrist will have to adjust. What privileges does she earn by complying. For our daughter it became getting a driver’s license and using the car. You may also want to consider counseling, particularly if there’s a possibility she’s self medicating with other substances. Finally, if it’s possible to limit her time on social media, do it.
I have a 10 year old son and we give him CBD gummies daily. It doesn’t take away his ADHD or Anxiety symptoms, but it does help with his mood. He still gets upset, but the downfall is no where near what it is without them. I say try it, from what you are saying things can only get better. Good Luck