CAM - Alternatives for ADHD what the research shows. - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Science can be confusing and some people have given up on it. Coffee is good, coffee is bad, coffee is good. Fat is bad, etc. The truth is that good science is always trying to learn more and answer Why? does something work.
Good science requires large numbers (n sample) and careful planning/testing. Control groups. Good science needs to be able to separate all the factors in life/people that can impact results. Age, weight, diet, parents, income, gender, the list is long, hence the need for large samples to control for such factors amap.
Some things work for some people and not others. Individual body chemistry. The Placebo effect. The Hawthorne Effect. Look it up, great story. Good science needs impartial money, bad science can be bought.
Medicines/drugs undergo stringent testing, see Thalidiomide baby tragedy for why, very sad story. CAM not so much. Research is difficult and expensive.
This is a great site and wonderful people sharing their stories of what works and what doesn't... for each of them. All I ask is that you don't reject science out of hand. The things I advocate for have had hundreds of scientific studies on them - Pax GBG, Triple P for Parents, and Omega-3.
Thanks for sharing!