Approved school wrong setting - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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Approved school wrong setting

yesy275 profile image
4 Replies

After fighting the DOE for almost 2 years, I finally get the deferral to an approved specilized school for my 7year old who has ADHD both hyperactive and inattentive as well as Deep Dyslexia. Out of a list of 12 schools recommend by the board of education, i had already revisited about 7 which all rejected my son in the grounds of being too academic for him, mind you, they advertise that kids like my son are the kind of kids they take in, anyways, he is 7 and still does not know how to read or write, well below his standard, I visited one of those state approved school yesterday in Hastings on the Hudson in Weschester called Greenburg Graham, the area is really nice, but after entering the school through metal detectors and finding out the school shares the campus with a day residential facility of teenagers with all sort of background which will attend the school with my son, I was not very impressed, the academic is important, however I also think his social life and the kinds of kids who will be his friends will have a huge influence in his life, I just not felt comfortable with the setting, the school offers a individualized program, and so I'm split in the decision, what to do!!!

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4 Replies
Onthemove1971 profile image

I guess I will try to help as much as I can.

I am sorry that you (or any parent) would have to go through a flight for that long to "win" what you think is best, then to see the options and be disappointed by them.

The best case school setting for many children, especially children with ADHD is an environment where they are really cared for and feel safe.

Many schools have 2 types of services which they can provide, push in ( a specialist goes into the class environment) an pull out. Most children want to be with peers and these could be with or without issues.

If you have an educational plan (IEP-Individual Educational Plan or 504 plan) then this should discuss what school the child will go into and what services the child needs.

Do you have an educational plan?

All school want Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE) this is the type and number of hours of service your child can get.

I would strongly suggest that he be placed in a school where there are a low number of students and when there is a person who can help you directly.

Children when they feel safe and comfortable can thrill at whatever levels they are at.

I hope you are getting support from the school psychologist that can give you guidance.

Let me know if I can help in anyway. Good luck in making the school environment fit your child so he can be successful.

Big hugs!

yesy275 profile image
yesy275 in reply to Onthemove1971

Thanks so much for your response, yes he has an IEP, which mandates he gets Speech, OT, counseling, and all sorts of accomodations, because of his ADHD and DEEP DYSLEXIA things get more complicated with his learning, one is fighting with the other. I have to say that ever since I started him on Aderall at the beginning of the year, he has had some progress with attention and focus at school, I only give it to him during school, I hope I'm doing the right thing, not giving to him during summer and seems to be doing ok with behaviors at summer camp. Going back to the topic, yes, I agree with you, one of the most important things is placing him in a safe environment where he can be with peers and copy positive behaviors and have the most normal life possible. I will keep the search for the right setting.


Onthemove1971 profile image
Onthemove1971 in reply to yesy275

What a great mom you are for being such a string advocate for him. Here are a few more thoughts. We in the educational community want to place all children in the LRE ( least restrictive environment) so he can be in the general education classroom but have services brought to him on non-academic times. The key to this is counseling and making sure the material he is learning is not overwhelming. This can be done by giving him less work just mastery of materials and you should schedule regular meetings with the teacher/specialist who will help manage his educational experience.

Have him in a local classroom (the great benefits of this are he can be with peers from his neighborhood and have play time outside of school) but find the right teacher. To be honest, soon he will be in a middle school and that is where the real challange comes in.

For his IEP, please make sure they are allowing for auditory books, if he can use a computer ( with speech to text) this will all cut down in the daily frustrating experiences he will have.

To me it's more about the staff that the setting as long as peers are ok for him.

Hope this makes sense.

As far as the medication is concerned, we do not take any breaks. I feel like I do not want our son to have to "attempt" to control himself. He is 12 years old and doesn't have the maturity ( often kids with ADHD are 2 years behind) to know when he is not controlling himself and the medication eases that for him.

Great job in all you have already done. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Take care.

yesy275 profile image
yesy275 in reply to Onthemove1971

thanks so much, I do what I can, I refuse to let my son be part of the statictis.

great advice on the speech to text idea, and the audible, I will make sure these are things that make it to the IEP. His teacher and I had daily email communication, I hope that his next teacher is as passionate, she would right me a daily email of the good the bad and the ugly, luckily, Sebastian, behaves good as school, his only problem is talking a lot and moving around, but his a 7 year old boy, and so for summer camp, I call everyday to find out how he is doing and they tell me he is ok, just talks a lot and moves around, but nothing that would harm him or the other kids, so I figure I give him a break as long as he is doing ok, and so far he is, except yesterday he lost a few minutes for not listening to directions, but that is it. So I stop until school starts, so he can gain some weight. His appetite is back, as long as he is manageable and active, he will be fine.

thanks for your support.

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