My 15 year old was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and mild/moderate ADHD this past January. He had always been a great student in high level courses, but high school got the better of him and that is how we found all this out. He did not want meds at first (I think he needed to digest this new version of himself and to prove he could get his grades up on his own - which he achieved in some classes) and has finally decided to try the meds. We did the genetic screen to ID the best drug for him and naturally had no "use as directed" options. His doctor (who is amazing and has a son with ADHD) is starting him on 20 mg Vyvanse on Monday. I know logically it will be fine, but I admit I am so very very nervous. He is a serious and excellent athlete with a super fun, sweet personality and I do not want those amazing qualities to change. Anyone have any reassurance about Vyvanse and/or meds in general to help me feel more confident?
Just want to thank all you amazing people in advance for your kindness and support!