Advocate for teen with ADD: How do I go... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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Advocate for teen with ADD

Dkalbach profile image
8 Replies

How do I go about getting my daughter, who has ADD, an advocate? So done with her treatment in school from teachers with no patience for her.

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Dkalbach profile image
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8 Replies
EJsMom profile image

The school district should have some recommendation for an advocate. My son has been on an IEP since first grade, he’s now done with 8th grade.

You really have to push the school to treat your child as an individual. They strive to have cookie cutter students and our type of kids do not fit the mold.

School is the bane of our existence (mine and my sons).

You can also demand a ‘behavioral assessment ‘ from the school. They have to pay for a psychologist to come and evaluate your child’s specific needs. I only recently found this out, so I haven’t done it, but others have. I live in Washington State, but I’d think it would be a National requirement.

We’re pretty much fine at home, with the usual arguments but nothing too outlandish anymore. Mostly it’s just that his arguments are very good and he doesn’t give in. I have to decide when I really need to stand my ground.

Nikkie4445 profile image

Absolutely you have to fight with the school district. I did and I won I couldn't take it any more. He graduated from the 8th last week and I couldn't be more proud. It has definitely been a struggle to get him there, but he made it this far. I will continue to fight for him for as long as I need too.


Dkalbach profile image

She is 17. Her 504 allows her additional time. Often she is missing lunch or study hall or whatever to finish tests. Then the teacher(s) often misplace it because it wasn’t handed in with the rest. Been happening since before Middle School. Then it always ultimately boils down to them giving her a zero and she has to fight for her grade. Never an apology when they find it. Always a response, telling me something else my kid isn’t doing ... like paying attention to something or some other random thing not related to anything... I’m like ... yeah ... I know. That’s what the hell ADD is ... but you’re still wrong!! Ugh!! Recently a teacher who’s been giving her a really really hard time, just accused her of Academic Dishonesty becasuse after finishing up a test for him during her study hall, she couldn’t find him in the library. She had to go to her next class. Put the test in his mailbox on the way. The Sub for the Librarian wasn’t there either. He also gave her a ZERO. He was so nasty to her when he told her and implied she was stupid for leaving the testing area with her test! My daughter is the last person in the world who would think to cheat. 100 x 100 times she’s been pulled out of class since 2nd grade and always just put the assignment in the teachers mailbox. I sent an email to him and the principal and the vice principal saying I’d get an Advocate, etc. He told my daughter today he reviewed surveillance footage and saw she handed it right in, so he’ll grade it. Gee thanks. After I threatened him. No apology. No response back from the principal. Nothing. She’s being treated like a criminal over something that isn’t her fault (ADD) and something that was so insignificant. I’m so tired of it.

EJsMom profile image
EJsMom in reply to Dkalbach

I’ve got an idea... may not work, but what if she takes a photo of the finished exam and then has proof?

Like possibly hold the test up near a clock so the time is in the photo, if that’s necessary. Just a thought.

My heart breaks when I hear stuff like this. The school never gives my kid the benefit of the doubt either.

I agree you should go over the teachers head.

Tutumama profile image

It's time for you to go higher up in my opinion. Go to the district office in your area and request to speak with the Superintendent immediately. They also "should" have Advocates on staff there at the district office if you can't see the Super, ask for an Advocate or counselor. Look up on the internet for ADD or child Advocates in your area if you need to just to get info in case you do need to use one that's separate from the district. Someone had to help you and your child in this situation because if they don't, I doubt she will want to continue school past the age she's required to which is usually 17. If she decides to do that and quit, there is nothing you can do about it. Her being treated this way is ridiculous! I would not accept any of their BS they are handing her bc she has ADD, she has rights and so do you!

anirush profile image

An I.E.P. gives a lot more help. My grandson gets extra time to hand in assignments without being penalized, extra time on tests, an aide to help him if he gets behind in classwork, etc.

Call the Special Ed department in your school district. I would tell them your child is being discriminated against because of her disability. If they don't listen contact the district superintendent.

Kfletcher03 profile image

Personally I would call the a American's with Disabilities act office for your state. This would put you in touch with a lawyer that is an advocate for your child. There should not be any charge to you. When my daughter was first diagnosed I tried to play nice with the school and it got me no where. I would call your ADA office and ask for guidance. Be prepared to send them copies of paperwork you have as well as poorly completed assignments. I know that is hard but they need to see that current accommodations are not working.

Good luck!


Dkalbach profile image

Thanks to everyone. Nice to vent to parents who understand! Thank you!

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