Hello all! My 9 year old daughter has been having some trouble at school with keeping focused and staying on task. It's too the point where I'm concerned that she is falling behind. So we have decided to get her tested for add/ADHD. But the first opening I could find isn't for almost 3 months. In the meantime, has anyone gotten any results from just changing their diets? I really don't want to put her on any mess. What has worked for you? 3 months is a long time to wait for any answers and in the meantime she is just falling farther behind. Thanks in advance!!!
Foods to avoid?: Hello all! My 9 year... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Foods to avoid?

My son has ADHD and without focalin he was a mess. There is nothing wrong with medicine if it helps them focus and slow down the constant commotion in their minds. My son hates being all wound up and unable to sit.
I'm not trying to offend anyone, and if it comes down to it we will put her on medication. I was asking for the meantime, until we get to her appointment and I can speak to the drs.
Can i ask how old your son is? My grandson is 5 and considering meds.
He is 8 now. But he has been on medicine for quite a few years now. Tremendous difference. However, he has to take one of them in the morning, again at 12 and 4. Along with an anxiety medicine and a sleep aid. If I didn't need medicine myself I would feel like it's so much to give to a child but we r both a mess without them. It helps his mind slow down and able to listen and be calm.
Unless your child has an actual food allergy, which would usually produce symptoms like rash or digestive problems, eliminating specific foods is unlikely to change behavior much. Generally good nutrition helps somewhat, though. A solid breakfast with fiber and protein, for example.
It does sound like your child needs a full professional evaluation, and it's unfortunate that you have to wait so long. In the meanwhile:
1) ADHD doesn't suddenly appear. Why is she having trouble now, is it because schoolwork has gotten more demanding, were the problems there all along but not as bad, or is it actually new? If it's a real change, it might not be ADHD at all, and your regular pediatrician or family doctor might have some ideas.
2) Meds work very well for many children. But the most important thing for ADHD is management techniques, and you can potentially start them right now while waiting.
Talk to her teacher about things like moving her seat, or even allowing her fidget toys during class. I've just recently discovered that I can listen to podcasts if I play Minesweeper at the same time! Keeping the hands busy oddly makes it easier for my mind to focus on my ears.
Is the problem learning the material, completing needed work, or both? If a child is passing tests but not completing assignments, the best solution might be to make the assignments shorter!
How does she do with homework? Is it a battle, can she get it done, or is there not much.
Ultimately, remember that for people with ADHD, concentrating and doing certain types of tasks is an effort, almost like running or climbing, and we tire quickly.
I've had my suspicions for a few years now. It has gotten a lot worse, so yes, now that her homework is getting harder it is getting worse. When you say management techniques, are you just talking structure? When she has to do homework? That type of thing? Because we do that. I have been in contact with her teacher, she is the one that told me she was having problems concentrating in class. They have switched seats to be next to less talkative kids. I didn't think that the fidgets toys actually worked? Homework is a battle!!! She gets frustrated because I don't think she's learning it in class and then is taking it out on us at home. We had teacher conferences last night and she said that my daughter was actually starting to raise her hand more, which is new for her! Thank you! I'm at the beginning of this and not sure where I'm suppose to start! And it is so frustrating!!!