Mirena coil removal. : Due to have my... - Adenomyosis Advic...

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Mirena coil removal.

Adeno2020 profile image
17 Replies

Due to have my coil removed tomorrow as I’m having unbearable bleeding (I didn’t think before that it could get worse but I was wrong) awful moods and acne & horrendous pain! Although when I had my check up 6 weeks after I was told that my strings were too short. And when I try to feel them, I can’t find them would this affect them taking it out simply ?

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17 Replies

Hi, I hope I am not too late to add a reply. I did not see this earlier. I had severe adenomyosiis in my 20's. Accompanied with painful heavy bleeding. I had a partial hysterectomy because I was 28. The wisdom at the time said leave ovaries for hormones. I had a terrible time with my ovaries, they became cystic, the cysts would get to be the size of grapefruits and then would burst. I was trying to take care of 3 young children. At 32 they removed my right ovary and at 34 they removed my left. I read later that studies had shown that removing everything at once was better, because if one part removed the others acted up. Sure was in my case. Less surgery, less scar tissue. I felt 100% better following the last ovary removal. I will tell you that gallbladder issues tend to follow hysterectomies. My was necrotic by the time they removed it. I have not had any issues with the gall bladder removed, but some people do The doctor who diagnosed adenomyosis (post removal) said I had varicose veins going to the uterus as well. I would say overall I felt so much better after removal. Get it out all at once.

My uterus was also 1 1/2 times the normal size

I hope this helps.

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to Desperateforrelief

can I please indulge you a little more?please what were your symptoms before hesterectomy , do you still feel any of those symptoms after total hesterectomy. and how many years post hesterectomy do you have now.please don't get irritated by my questions,I just want to be sure I'll be alright at the long run.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

Before hysterectomy, I was in a lot of pain. For 2 weeks out of every month I experienced severe aches in lower abdomen, knife like pains in the ovary that was ovulating, very heavy and long periods, I was unable to stand for more than 10-20 mins per day. I was also moody. I remember sitting at my kitchen table to wash dishes in a Rubbermaid dish sink. I had one for rinsing too. I had 3 children in under 4 years. The pain was taking a great toll. Praise God I did not have to work outside my home at this time. I would not have been able to.

Post hysterectomy I was relieved of the severe, intense aching/pressure in my lower abdomen. However, I did still have cystic ovaries that would burst. I regained my ability to stand for long periods of time. When my ovaries were also removed I felt like a new woman. No mood swings, or needing to be in bed for up to 2 weeks out of a month. I was able to do aerobic exercises. I felt light and airy. It is hard to express how much better I felt. I would recommend getting tested on your hormone levels before, so they can see where you are after. Hormones are very important for so many reasons. I find that doctors are hesitant with hormone replacement. But the tests they're relying on were done in a study where the average age of women was 65. This is not good for younger women. Have them tweak it until you feel right.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to Desperateforrelief

I am post hysterectomy 32 years. And post oophorectomies 26 years.

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to Desperateforrelief

thanks a lot for this i really appreciate,I am 30 years old and I have been in in similar pains for 15 years now,had a fibroid surgery when I was 22 thinking that was the cause of the pains then the doctors discovered it has been adenomyosis all along after a histology on the removed stuff from my uterus.since then I have been praying to just get married so I can get pregnant,anyways the only different in symptoms is I don't have heavy flow during menstruation and it's really scanty,it was never like that when I newly started menstruating.with this you post hesterectomy story I think I can fully open up my mind to hesterectomy and maybe adopt children later in the future if I see any need for it.

However,I will love to ask one more question.

does hesterectomy affect sexual life?will I ever enjoy sex if I ever get married later?

just want to know what the future holds for me.

thanks Ma.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

That is a hard question. It can affect your sex life, women have reported it. For me, it did not affect mine at all, in fact it was better because pain was gone. And horrible periods too. But if you haven't had children yet, I would try any means possible to hold out. They are doing a lot with nerve ablation now (radiofrequency nerve ablation), they might have something to help with adenomyosis pain. I had 3 children at 22, 24 and 26. I still cried at 28 at the loss of not having more, except that it really was a wise decision for me, my pregnancies became life threatening. First one great. Next two placenta previa, lots of bleeding, varicose veins to uterus on top of adenomyosis. Life is not fair. But we can make the most of it. I was told when I was young pregnancies would help my pain. Didn't work out that way for me.

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to Desperateforrelief

I'm tired of holding on,I'm from a family that sees giving birth out of wedlock as a terrible thing,so I'm tired of waiting for that man that wants to get married to me.no relationship yet.I don't have a life,lost my job,I keep being an excuse in everything I do because I can't be consistent.

I decided to start having sex at age 25 just to see if anything will change, but I really don't even enjoy it cause I'm always in pains when I have it. My life has been a mess from 15 till now.I can stay 2 years without having sex,why cause the thought the pain scares me.

Sometimes I even wonder which man would go through this hell with me.

I practically have to open my Virginia in front of a standing while I'm laid on a bed for air,most times when I struggle with this pains is like I'll die the next minute.

The most embarrassing is that I take in air from my Virginia and also force it out again,people around me with think I'm farting until I explain to them,I'm always naked cause the slightest heat can trigger pains. sometimes I feel I'm cursed but I keep thinking the word of God which says enchantment upon Jacob,neither is there any divination upon israel.

I've accepted my fate and I think God can still do something for me with or without my womb.

the Bible says life and death has He given us to choose from,but I choose life. I want to life,cause right now I feel I'm just a walking curpse.i feel noone even can comprehend the kind of pains I go through.

I'm so happy I'm on this platform to see others share similar symptoms.

I'm most glad that you shared your experience with me.

thanks a lot Ma

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to EDan

15years in pains,I'm 30 years,i didn't enjoy my teenage days,my secondary school days, university days not even after till now.1 day ago I was even praying for death to come and take me.its crazy.

I've been on zoladex before it stopped the pains but increased my Blood pressure,got me depressed and several other little side effects,so I stopped it.

the doctors advised I go on Merena coil but I opted out cause I'm scared it might affect my BP due to the informations I've been getting from people

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

Oh, and I would add, God gave me the same verse "I set before you life and death, choose life." That was before the mesh was out and I was completely bed ridden for two years. In a wheelchair for 4.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

Also, I have another thought, ask what kind of surgery they will do to remove it. Back in the 80's and 90's they went through the abdomen. I have found the surgeries they're doing through the vagina to be worse. Scarring on such delicate tissue. Ask them to do it laparoscopically through the abdomen if possible. Like they do gallbladders. The small scar is worth it. Just my 2 cents.

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to Desperateforrelief

okay Ma.


Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

I've heard very bad things about mirena, as well. I am against plastic in the body (I'm prejudiced because of the severe complications of mesh). I guess not every woman reacts to plastic, but it can shrink, move, etc. Mine shrank first. Then when it cut into me it created foreign body reaction. You don't need that.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

I am also very religious and believe in God. Personal relationship. Oh, I am so sorry to hear your story. I totally understand. If I had known the whole story I would have said, get it all out at one time. Ovaries and uterus. They often leave the ovaries for hormones. Mine never worked completely right. I had read a medical study that said if one part is removed the others act up! I was like, UGH 3 separate surgeries for what? Also know, that it can cause prolapse later on, although less likely without having children. Just make sure you learn how to strengthen your pelvic floor with a good PT. I had hard periods at 15 too. I'd be out of school only 2 days a month. But it was bad. Got worse as I got older. At 28 I visited 2 different doctors. The second opinion guy said, you could get by with another 10 years, but you'll be miserable the whole time. God has different plans with different people. There are many that need love and adoption. During the mesh mess thing, Last 10 years, 22 surgeries getting mesh out (it's permanent), severely damaged urethra and pudendal nerves on each side. Severe prolapse at this time, low back pain, all the symptoms. It was enough I suffered when I was younger, stay away from mesh please. There is hope. I will also say, to warn you because you are close to the age I was when I had the hysterectomy, make sure they have good pain meds, but flexible, they gave me too much and I couldn't move, they'd wear off and I couldn't move - very painful. They said they couldn't cut them down to take the edge off. When I woke up from that surgery it was the most pain I'd felt until that time. And then mesh removal was so much worse. Once you heal, you will feel so much better. No heavy lifting for at least 6 months. Just trying to give you some motherly advice. I'm 60.

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to Desperateforrelief

thanks a lot Ma,I feel much relief now,will chat you up here when I'm financially ready for the surgery and also after the surgery,I love your encouragements Ma,thanks a lot.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

You're welcome. There is a man who will stand by you. It is not impossible. Of course, you already know Jesus will stand by you. But there are good men out there. I married one. He wasn't a Christian when we married, neither was I. I became a Christian 2 months later. I was 20. He has stood by me through all of this. This mesh mess causes at least 95% of the men to leave. Mine didn't. My other Christian friends who are hurt by this stuff stuck by them too. I haven't been really able to have sex since I was 49. My husband loves me for me. He did ask God to take away his sex drive, which I cried very hard about. I still have a sex drive, but it hurts for days later. Neither one of us is thinking it is worth it for now. I still have hopes. I have excessive vaginal scarring from the surgeries, why I suggested skip through that area. Plus more chances of infection because of natural vaginal flora. Scars on abdomen definitely don't hurt as much in my experience. I have some really huge ones, because when I was 21 I had peritonitis from an ovarian cyst that ruptured my appendix when it exploded. That doctor made a huge incision. After that I had 1 natural birth with large baby (9 lbs 1 1/2 oz.) and 2 emergency C-sections. So lot's of abdominal scars. They don't hurt ever. The vaginal ones do. Just explaining why I suggest what I suggest.

I will ask my daughter if she knows of a supplement to help you until you have your surgery. She has had endometriosis, not as bad as you or I, and she has been able to stop her pain through diet and supplements. She is pretty regimented. She knows some natural pain killers. They help her, not me though. Always worth a try. You probably call the heating pad your best friend. LOL

EDan profile image
EDan in reply to Desperateforrelief

wow,your story just touched me deeper than expected Ma,really sorry you went through this,however I am glad you're okay now.Moreso,I wouldn't mind trying those supplements pending when I go for my surgery.

Thanks Ma, indeed there's so much strength in a woman. I Finally found someone who could explain things in details. Your experiences are worth learning from.

When I start discussing with my doctors about the surgery I will keep you posted.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to EDan

I appreciate that!

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