Hi everyone,
Two days ago I had a transvaginal ultrasound and then had the Mirena coil fitted to try to manage my debilitating period pain and other symptoms. The doctor did another transvaginal ultrasound to check it was fitted successfully and said it was fitted properly and in the right place.
She then said "looks like Adenomyosis. I can see the pockets in the uterus wall". After waiting for several years for an indication of what's wrong with me, and being told "some people just have bad pain with their periods, get on with it", I couldn't believe it and was relieved yet scared.
I previously had a laparoscopy in summer 2017 to look for endometriosis and this was not found so for a year and a half I was told my uterus was healthy when I knew it must not be.
So I had the coil fitted 2 days ago. My advice I'm seeking is about what I can do to manage the cramps that I'm experiencing since it was put in? I've got a hot water bottle which helps but I can't stand up straight!
I have missed 3 days of work now so I also want to ask how long it took you to stop having the initial severe cramps due to the Mirena insertion?
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you,