im doing an MRI on july 8 ,,18 months from first diagnosis ...curious about something ,, Doctor said he was going to do fusion biopsy after MRI , i ask him if they dont see anything on MRI will he still do biopsy he said they always find something .... i just spoke with nurse she said they dont always find anything ... anyone have this issue have an MRI and not a Fusion biopsy after it ??
MRI fusion Biopsy: im doing an MRI on... - Active Surveillan...
MRI fusion Biopsy

You were diagnosed G6 (3+3) 18 months ago, correct? If so it seems presumptive that a biopsy will turn up something. One step at a time. The doctor works for you. If there is something that shows up on the MRI you should get a second opinion and then go from there. You’re not in any particular hurry at G6.
yes that is correct..... so your saying that if something shows up .( which the doctor said it always does ) ..i should get a second opinion on MRI to determine if i need fusion biopsy is this correct ????
Yes that’s what I would do now looking back on the whole process. The fewer biopsies the better for you. Gleason 3 + 3 is very favorable to you.
ok thanks, only thing bothers me is doctor said the MRI would show something and he has already prescribed cipro for biopsy ... hes plan on doing it regardless a guess second biopsy necessary if nothing is found on MRI
No biopsy is needed if MRI shows nothing. Cipro is a very serious antibiotic and should be avoided if possible. Your uro sounds like a pretty set in his ways type guy. Some uros would argue that G6 isn’t even cancer and this guy wants a second invasive biopsy. The rule of thumb is only do tests that you need. You don’t know you need this proposed biopsy. And please do your own research on cipro vs other antibiotic options.
By the way, it isn’t all that unusual that once diagnosed you may not want to travel down this path with a uro that seems to place his own interests first and you find another that you can more easily communicate with. I changed mine post biopsy and am very happy I did as I’ve had many complications from treatments and really ended up spending a lot of time with my uro.
ok thanks i will get several opinion's on MRI , as i did on first biopsy ... 3 -- the doctors local pathologist , one from Harvard, one from Johns hopkins ...all came back different , on which cores was gleason 6,, i ask doctor why ... he said common it didnt matter only thing matter was they did agree it was gleason 6
I think the MRI is the most important test right now. Everything should be clearer once you’ve got results plus a second opinion. Good luck with everything and I’m happy to help in any way. I’m over 2 years into my Prostate Cancer journey. There’s a lot I didn’t know back then that I wish I did.
thanks i will let u know results ..
Youre stats seem bit similar to mine
Psa between 3 and 4. Cause of a nodule got biopsy. G6 1core 5%
Mri pirads 2 no leasion.
On active sureillance
Anyway an mri is a good idea.
Mri will not detect low vol g6 which is what you have. Mri can dtect higher grade or g6 at higher volume.
Mri good idea to see if there is more the biopsy missed. If mri finds nothing a random biopsy is still a good idea. After that you need to decide how to proceed
Not sure if i like what the doc says unless there is more info i dont know about. Agree more with nurse in general but dont know yore situation
As others have said g6 will do nothing to you but you need to know if there is something else there
I just had an mri 14 months after diagnosed with G6. The mri pretty much mirrored the original biopsy results and I did not have a biopsy after this MRI. I will probably go another year and have a second mri. Unless the comparison of the two shows something significant, I dont expect an MRI then either. Now that I have this MRI, it functions as a baseline for future scans.