My doc is recommending another biopsy on the anniversary of my first biopsy back in June. I invite feedback on biopsies. What has been your experience, etc.? Are they important? How harmful might they be?
Biopsies: My doc is recommending... - Active Surveillan...

Is your doctor proposing that you have an annual biopsy for the rest of your life? What about your other metrics...has your PSA risen during the last twelve months? Have you had another MRI? Have you gotten a second opinion on your first biopsy? Have you had a PSMA test? There are many things that you can/should do prior to a second biopsy.
PSA has shown steady decline since June from 9.75 to 9.1 to 8.17.
This is the doctor that I used for my second opinion. He's proposing:
- PSA & MRI in March
- PSA & biopsy in June (anniversary of the original discovery)
- PSA & MRI in September
- PSA in December
He also noted that if PSA stabilizes then the routine may be less frequent for the following year.
Please shed some light on the PSMA test. What is it?
hey you.....i get a biopsy every year, as a matter of fact as you know, i had my fifth one last week....along with a annual mri and a quarterly PSA test....been on AS for 5 years... i don’t know if that’s to many or not enough but i am good with it.....
Thanks for the insight, that seems to be the routine that my doctor is proposing as well. Please remind me NashTim, what has your PSA history looked like?
That’s accurate and yes important as I’m assuming you’re on AS. Going into year 2, I’m at the point of annual MRI’s and biopsies maybe every 2 years and PSA every quarter. It’s important to actively monitor. Interested in why two MRI’s within 6 months however. Not surprised with your AS plan.

Thanks for the insight ejc61
This is what my uncle (also on AS after 10 years) had to say about biopsies ... I knew an old fashioned MD who said "one biopsy is enough thereafter just the digital exam, any Doc who wants to repeat the biopsy is trying to get rich". Urologists are often very cavalier about the dangers involved. Sure, it's easy money. Biopsies are invasive and if cancer is present there is no guarantee the cutting will not spread the disease. The urologist who messed up my life infected me during a biopsy, probably dirty instruments. The next morning I was septic and spent three days in the E.R. Of course I had signed something that took him off the hook.
Really, what separates an old-time jungle Doc from a modern Western Doc? The lab. They want to be as certain as possible so they rely on evidence. We need that also but it must be done wisely. A biopsy using the common grey-scale is now senseless. All that is seen is the gland so they poke all over,sometimes taking around 100 cores!! The TARGETED biopsy using a Color Doppler or Contrast MRI is reasonable to get the real evidence. Thereafter the status of the disease and or inflammation can be monitored using the same visual."
I have been on Active Surveillance for Gleason 6 since November 2006. I had three biopsies with the last one in November 2010. There is MRI now that can reduce the biopsy parade
Thanks for your insights all. My goal is simply this. Track my progress with MRI's and PSA's. Avoid biopsies while reducing and removing my cancer tumors through a whole food, plant based diet. I'm adding 30 to 90 minutes of daily fitness to the routine and weaving in a good dose of stress reducing behavior and prayer. This brings me to my dream, which is at my next MRI (2 weeks), there is no evidence of cancer in my body.