No More!!!...For ANY Person In Pain! - Action on Pain

Action on Pain

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No More!!!...For ANY Person In Pain!

Lakewolf profile image
4 Replies

I am now (finally) putting together my paper showing how fake the “opioid crisis “ is.

I WILL NOT allow any more suffering... and thanks to all of you, my mind is now clear.

I will post a link here as soon as it’s done. Please print it out, and send it to each of your Congresspeople.

I said I love you it’s time to PROVE it!!!!

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4 Replies
Lakewolf profile image

As soon as my doctor puts me back on lisinopril, I’ll be able to start this (gotta finish cleaning up this disaster of a room first.)

My afternoon blood pressure readings are high enough to put me in stroke territory. I have chronic migraine (I have the aura 24 hours a day,) and that puts me at 3 times the risk for having a stroke.

However, you needn’t worry about me. I have a Doctor who has always come through for me. Since He made this body, He can fix it.

TaraRae profile image

I'm on board with you! I was forced to get a new PCP, Medicaid dropped my HMO and Dr I had for approx 7 years. She also did pain management. Well, Devine intervention can be the ONLY reason for all that has transpired in the past month! I looked EVERYWHERE, in my small N.Colorado town and the 2 larger towns next to me. NO ONE WOULD TAKE ME! NO ONE (with the exception of a "pain mill" that thought Suboxone was the best answer? !) WOULD MANAGE MY PAIN! Somehow, some way, my Son's fiancé in another state found ONE PA that had a cancellation. She and my Son flew up here to advocate for me. She was very concerned about me and after she found NO DR that would manage my pain she and a fellow Dr at UCH decided they would do it!! I found out the serious reality of what lies ahead if we don't fight for our right to live in less pain, have some quality of life. YES! Our government wants ALL PEOPLE off of opiates! (My PCP didn't give me a specific date) she told me that it WILL come down to pain management for 2 groups of people, cancer patients and terminally ill patients. As I'm terminally ill she said I was exempt from this. I'm not sure if this is the State of Colorado or the entire USA?! Thank God she sees the truth behind this push and finds it deplorable. Also, if you have extreme anxiety, as most every ill and in constant pain patients do, in my state you cannot take any type of benzodiazapine unless you have a med psych eval yearly. After years of Dr's not knowing what was killing me, why I calcified my spleen and my pancreas is almost entirely calcified, this PA sent my records for a transplant review. Wow!? I was told I might get my pancreas taken out but NEVER heard the word transplant before! I am happy! Next month I have an entire day of meetings and tests with UCH pancreatic transplant dept.!!!

If I could make this remarkable task happen just think of all of the GREAT THINGS WE CAN DO IF WE COME TOGETHER?! I was a Nurse, I "get it" and will ALWAYS HELP FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO LIVE THE BEST LIFE YOU CAN HAVE! I do not agree with these crazy opiate laws and will stand and fight with all of you!


Lakewolf profile image
Lakewolf in reply to TaraRae

It’s all being done to make Suboxone the only opioid they will prescribe. Am in a battle with my body, and need to find out why I’m walking like a drunken sailor.

Also had a brain scan which showed manifold bright spots in my frontal & parietal lobes in both hemispheres. I KNOW it’s from the chronic migraine (now reduced to the aura, but still damages the brain.)

Gonna keep fighting, though. Surrender is NOT an option!

TaraRae profile image
TaraRae in reply to Lakewolf

Omg! I have had 3 brain MRI's with the white patches in my frontal and parietal lobe worsening with age. They, as is dome very STUPID DR'S, thought it was MS. I had a field vision test (better and easier than a lumbar puncture) and found out that was not what is causing this. I'm 54, I was told my braid looks like a 70-80 year old brain. YES, I drunk walk too! I mean NO ONE knows why this odd calcification is going on in my body. I'm surprised I'm even being considered for a new pancreas, it's calcifying as,well. So Suboxone it is??? Did they get rid of Methadone clinics too?! I'd be shocked if they did. Both of these meds are not made for pain. I know, I was on both of them, for pain! It didn't work. Let me know how I can help. I'm an advocate for patients rights abd do know A,TON of medical pro's in my state. I'm NEVER GONNA STOP THIS FIGHT, EVER!


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