How long must the pain go on? I've been sent home from SAU after scans revealed some of my pain is due to kidney stones...only small so they have sent me home saying keep taking the painkillers. How long without surgery to get them out or medication to help dissolve them can I expect stones/stone to pass. Also am I in for even more pain. 3 hours every morning pain scale 10/10 can't move out of bed wears of to 5/10 during day and night...going up only when moving or if someone touches my back even lightly.
How long: How long must the pain go on? I've... - Action on Pain
How long

My husband had some stones in his kidney. They tried various things without success. Only the smallest ones can be passed out. In the end the specialist went up the urethra and laser them or something that way. This took 4 times and he has been fine ever since. However there are different kind of stones and the treatment depends on that.
Thanks for your reply. Your poor husband, the pain is unbearable. so glad he has been fine ever since, if they are the mist common type they are prone to come back but not for about five years and they may well not if he can follow a good diet and lifestyle plan, like the dash diet, hope he fares well.
Something came out from me yesterday which I think was kidney stones it was darker than I expected, like wet coffee grounds. I had a massive urge to let out water after quite a hot bath and decided to collect it in a cup so I could see if my urine looked normal as nothing seemed to be moving, lo and behold there was this round blob of brown very surprised but took it out and pressed it and it all fell aoart like coffee grounds would, I've not manage to check with the dr yet but looked it up on line, most images look lighter. But I think it is ive still been waking up with chronic pain in the mornings and am itchy as hec at night. Not sure what to do, I don't like to make a fuss. But just cant carry on with this pain for three hours longer and sometimes day long. Still waiting for back and bladder scan, wondering if to tell them it hink I have passed the ston or stones. If I don't eat after 6pm the following evening and drink plenty of water all day and take my painkillers and diazepam its not as bad in the morning but I know I cant take them forever. I see some people have been on painkillers for years poor souls. it doesn't make sense that they cant have the operation and be done with painkillers. Anyway hoping for some progress when the scans appointments come through. In the meantime i'm trying hard not to be a moaner to my's so hard...i'm so good at it lol xx
best healthy wishes to you and yours
Laurie x
Sometimes people sieve the urine and put the contents in a petri dish to show the doctor and see if they are stones, .
How are you managing to bear 10/10 pain - surely after a few minutes you phone for an Ambulance or go to hospital, it just isn't possible to cope ? - this is an accurate pain scale
What meds did your doctor give and did they help ?
Diazepam and codeine. Few visits to a and e. Kidney stones is known to be the worst pain. Its even worse than childbirth. Onnonr of the scans ive had its been discovered i have some problem in my thoraic vertebrae too so ive been having more than one problem on top if my usual. Waiting for urgent ct now. Nothingvstops the pain on wakinh. Im tending tovstay awake because i dont look forward to waking up. It has been sending me stir crazy as i now have to wean iff from diazepam so i dont become addicted. I was having seizures but thankfully they have stopoed now. Im drinking lits of water and meditating. Thats all i can do for now.
After 45 mins of diazeoam i feel calmer which maybe a placebo effect and seems to reduce the pain with having codeine 4 times a day. Also i ws prescribed omeprazole to line the stomach and im taking my usual meds for allergy and underactive thyroid. I rest wuite a lit and use support. I get help washing and dressing and only do housework or go for a gentle walk on the afternoon ir evening. Im stuck in bed in the mornings. Hopefully this wont last. How do you cope?
Appointment in the morning to discuss my ct kub results with gp. Is this standard whether the ct was good or bad results or only if something is found?