Update on different medical issues that hav... - Action on Pain

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Update on different medical issues that have been recent:

Terri324 profile image
2 Replies

Update: Colon & Endo went good at least no H-pylori.......

On 1-24-2017 Had my first set of neck shots (was supposed to of been only two ended up being three), so far doing alright (even the migraines are getting less,of which they got real bad after the shots which I was told would happen so I was prepared)...so we will see how these go, if I will need another set or what.....

As far as the blood in my pee after beginning to see the Urologist & doing 2 of the tests where they put the tube in you and look into the bladder...there is something in the bladder (wow looks freaky & weird) so on 1-30-2017 I go for post op tests of blood work, chest x-ray & EKG and then on 2-1-2017 I go in to have the thing on my bladder biopsy and checking for the cancer in my bladder & any others cause he can get a better look inside my bladder while I'm out...Then while I'm still out he is trying to find out if he can use the scope to go into my kidneys (because I can't do the dye he's hoping he can do the scope to see & hopefully see what is actually causing my kidneys to shut down-stop working)....

On 2-20-2017 I have the low dose cancer scan to be done...then on 2-27-2017 I see my lung specialist for the results of the low dose cancer scan......

So hoping everything will get into order so I know what I'm looking at & what I've got to do....(feeling of the OCD hitting real bad because all this medical seems out of control, the doctor's are not on the same pages, & the trust issues make things even worse)-----I just need everything together so I know what I'm doing & dealing with...don't like this feeling of everything not being in order, not knowing what I should be doing & what I'm actually dealing with-especially medically & emotionally (because I feel like I'm losing control of myself & it doesn't feel good at all.....

In my eye this stupid diet of staying under 500mg of sodium per day is really driving me up a wall....know it does work, because then there is no swelling in my feet, going up my legs, or even the swelling in my hands or eye lids.....but it's so hard at times.......and now the Urologist is talking about adding to the low sodium diet for the diet dealing kidney/bladder issues...just gonna be a wait & see what happens.......

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2 Replies
CtKathleenUSA profile image

Hi Terry,

You sure do have alot going on! I don't have experience for much of what you're going through. I have done the bladder distension, urology gamut... the procedures were fairly run-of-the-mill. I had very little discomfort after procedures.

A low sodium diet goes with kidney problems. The effects of high sodium on the kidneys/heart is incredible. In my situation, a higher sodium can result in my body recycling the sodium. Basically, it is processed once, absorbed, and then re-absorbed. I've been doing a restricted sodium diet over 10 years. I adjusted within a few months and now dislike anything salty. I rarely desire high sodium items. Giving up soda was very difficult. My nephrologist also had me give up tea. Restaurant/"fast" food was a big challenge. You can ask for the nutritional analysis of a restaurants' menu items. I've also found it helpful to Google restaurant menus and nutrition online before choosing a restaurant, especially while traveling [avoiding making dinner companions wait while i decided what to order or which cafe to choose.] It is shocking how much sodium is hidden in seemingly "healthier" restaurant foods, like chicken breast or soups. After a few weeks of frustration, I switched to salads with oil and vinegar {because it was easy.} I also started bringing food with me while I would be on the road for a period. Some medications I take have a negative impact on the kidneys. However, I cannot function without them. My goal has been to try to balance that with healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. My kidney issues have been minimal in the past decade and my labs show all healthy levels. I haven't had a kidney infection, kidney failure. stones, pain, etc. for a significant years.

I hope everything turns out well. And take care of yourself!

Terri324 profile image
Terri324 in reply to CtKathleenUSA

Hi CtKathleenUSA,

Wow, thanks on the information; been only doing this sodium diet for going on 2 years, and it's so hard at times (and your so right the going out to eat is the hardest & holiday's make it even hard at times)...have mostly good days but there are some that I just want all the salt in the world---and know deep down it would do more damage....so yes, everyday is a challenge, learning experience & an adventure everyday.....and especially glad not the only one (you could say doing the sodium diet really showed me that my allergies really make things even more harder & complicated)...My family is learning when I visit that I have to watch what I eat & they will do some to most mega low sodium (and yes, some things with the regular sodium just on another cabinet), and even they are beginning to go lower sodium on different things....so guess it's helping them also.....really learned the food that I thought was "healthier", sure is a lie; but so learning on a daily basis (allergies so make it harder), but what I found really has helped is the treat of something just lower in sodium maybe 1 meal like every other week or so... and yes, it's getting further apart......things for me just take longer for me to get use to...So for me just taking day by day & making everyday an adventure really does help....just have some days that are really hard having the day to day things disturbed and the going to the doctors more & more trying to get the medical issues figured out, are sending my OCD into orbit--cause it's not under control in my mind...hopefully in the next few weeks I can get it under control again to just feel normal again.....Mega thanks for the information & will keep in mind that the smallest amount of sodium will do more damage......

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