Whatever the cause, but once you have a lower back pain it will start deteriorating the quality of your life. If you are a back pain sufferer, you can understand how difficult it is to live with the chronic back pain. There are numerous home remedies which you can try within the comfort of your home to treat lower back pain, like strengthening exercises and using herbal oils can provide relief against severe back pain.
Back pain: Whatever the cause, but once you... - Action on Pain
Back pain
I had a lower back problem over twenty years ago following a bodged parachute jump. I spent nearly a year in therapy using chiropractic, tens, stretching, homeopathic remedies and a treatment regime from a Dr who works with the German Parachute regiment.
In the end the pain was so bad they did keyhole surgery and trimmed three bulging discs on my lower back. I was very nervous but desperate and fortunately the next day was amazing I felt like a concrete block had been taken off my back. Touch wood it's been a few twinges since then.
However, I now have three bulging discs in my neck and I am enrolled on a pain management course at my local hospital with physio, meds review and CBT. I don't want surgery and hope it can be alleviated at least without resorting to that, I really feel uncomfortable about the thought on my neck.
The problem is despite an MRI showing the bulging discs they are lumping it in with my fibromyalgia! Fibromyalgia does not cause prolapsed discs it is a separate issue. It seems once you have fibromyalgia your written off and everything else is put down to it even if not physically possible!
Anyway I have high hopes for some organised neck stretches rather than my random shapes! Lol
All the best Patrick
I will have to try some of these. I was very active in core exercises and then became my dads caregiver, only for a short time because he had terminal cancer and only lived about a year after we found out, then I became my moms caregiver for about four years and she just passed away. I will find my way back to taking care of myself, but I let myself go for them and would do it all over again if I had to. In one year, I have had my gallbladder removed, a novasure endometrial ablation operation, and a total hysterectomy. I think my pain was more severe after my novasure endometrial ablation. I'm greiving right now. I am sure one day I WILL get back on top of everything. My dad and his dad, etc and severe back pain and I hope I can over come mine. Everyone please pray for me
I am very sorry for your loss. I am sure it is a very deep one, after you gave them such loving care. I am sure that they would want you to take care of yourself and I hope that somehow the fates will let you find some solutions that bring you mercy and comfort in the coming year. It is so hard to find a "cure" for these complicated problems, but sometimes we can shave off ten percent here, five percent there, and that's something. I hope. I think you're right about the grieving, though. That can't be rushed, and that is true, serious pain in its own right.