Our Support Line will be closed over the Christmas period, from 2pm on Tuesday the 24th of December. Our Support Team will be back from 9am on Thursday the 2nd of January.
We know that Christmas can be a difficult time for some, so if you do need someone to talk to, we have put together the details of some organisations and their opening times over the Christmas period.
Macmillan Cancer Support – 0808 808 00 00 open 8am to 8pm daily
Samaritans – 116 123 open 24/7
Mind - 0300 102 1234 open 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday apart from Bank Holidays (25th, 26th of December and 1st January)
NHS 111 for non-emergency and 999 emergency medical issues.
From all of us in The Support Team, we wish you a peaceful Christmas.