Hi all, im due to have gamma knife and i just wanted to know if there was anybody on this forum that could share there experience and list any side effects they had after the procedure. Also just wanted to know does the frame leave any visible marks/holes after and how long do they take to heal. I know probably sounds a bit vain.
Side effects of gamma knife, and how ... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
Side effects of gamma knife, and how does it feel having the frame fitted ?
I had GK surgery in 2012.The staff were fantastic/Sheffield,HallamSmall amount of pain in spite of local anaesthetic as frame fitted.Frame felt heavy but much reassured by staff.
Treatment was silent ,unlike MRI scanner and totally painless.
Frame removed and lunch was waiting.
It wasn't a traumatic experience.
I was very tired for a few days following.
5 months later sudden rotary vertigo was most unpleasant .11 years later I have mild balance issues and I still grieve losing my hearing but life is fine.
I had gamma knife In Sheffield Hallam hospital in 2012. I was given a mild sedative and then local anaesthetic at the screw site. The process wasn’t painful just a bit strange. The staff were good with anxious patients. I hope you aren’t to nervous and I’m sure everything will be fine. Good luck
Just mild discomfort. No pain as such. Staff were great at Sheffield Hallam. No side effects.
I had my Gamma Knife procedure done this past Tuesday and must admit was very anxious. My team was amazing, at least an hour of numbing shots in the 4 areas of the pin sites first. But still hurt when they were put in two at a time which helped. After the frame was in place a ct was done to show exact locations. The gamma process was 16 minutes!, bandaids on forward, antibiotic ointment on the back of head. Total time at Mayo was 4 hours then went home. The day prior I had 9 preliminary appts including another brain mri. Felt really tired for couple days and headache. Only needed Tylenol. The pin sites are tiny no worry there. Yesterday I went to the gym, shopping and dinner out. Hopefully the your procedure goes as smooth. Best regards and good wishes
I was a bit tired for a few days afterwards. Very tired the night of the procedure as it was a long day. No pain putting the frame on - just an odd sensation. They use local anaesthetic, so injection pain - but that was mild. The real pain for me came when they released the frame, very bad headache at that point, but this was fixed with a cup of tea and paracetamol! I was quite dehydrated as it’s hard to drink with a frame on and I had it on for 5-6 hrs at least. The pain lasted a couple of hours. Fell asleep having the gamma knife, bit of tilting and movement, but dead quiet so don’t worry about that bit! Could see a couple of marks on my forehead for a few days, but no scars from the frame. Good luck.