So yesterday I’d never even heard of Acoustic Neuroma Now I know I have the condition and also that there is this support group for which I’m very thankful. I had an MRI about 6 weeks ago following a bad ear infection in January that left me slightly deaf. Yesterday I saw the head consultant at my local hospital and he explained that my tumour was 5mm dia which I understand is small. He explained a lot about the condition and what the possibilites are, I’l have another scan in 6 months to see if it’s changed
I was so taken aback that of course I didn’t ask half the questions I should have (note to self, take someone with you next time ) so I’ve decided to be proactive and that’s how I found this group. Questions I now have are,
how long might I have had this, I’m 65 and otherwise healthy.
Could it be related to the bad case of shingles I had in my head last Sept and still have some recurring issues including sight problem?
Could the ear infection have started it?
Might I have had this for years and never known?
He was very reassuring and although I was supprised I’m quite peaceful about it all
Should I write back to my consultant and ask these questions (not sure if I’m allowed to have follow ups on NHS) ?
If anyone has direct knowledge or experience of these scenarios I’d be grateful to hear your thoughts. Thanks everyone, whoever you are !