Hiya I have been having problems with my left ear for over a year now. The doc as tried everything to easy the pain and fullness feeling. I also have pain around my ear and in my cheek. I also have tinnitus and medium earring loss in both ears. I have no sign of a blockage or infection in my ear. Late last year my doctor indicated I might have a Acoustic Neuroma and made an appointment for me to see an Ent specialist. I was to scared to attend the appointment. I suffer with really bad anxiety and depression. Also had cancer twice since 2016. Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy and Schizophrenia. As you can see I already have a lot to contend with. I don’t know if my balance problems are to do with the Parkinson’s or my ear. When I lay down at night it feels as though I am on a boat or a swing. I guess I am just to frighten to find out what’s going on.
Do you think this could be an Acousti... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
Do you think this could be an Acoustic Neuroma
Hi There’s only one way to rule it out and that’s to have your MRI scan. I’m no doctors to compare other symptoms however based of the symptoms so far it does sound like an AN. The MRI only takes around 5-10 minutes so the scan itself isn’t a long scan to worry about.
Good morning, sorry to hear that you have a lot of health problems going on. You should ask for an MRI scan to see what is going on with your ear. If infection and wax blockage has been ruled out, the only way really is to have a scan. I hope that you can find the inner strength to do this. Take good care of yourself. B
The only answer is to have a scan and await diagnosis as there are so many variables. Hope it. Goes Ok
Keep in mind: AN's are BENIGN. They are also treatable. You might ask about sedation for your scan. But as others have said, get an MRI, go from there.
Sounds like Middle ear infection cud have mucas build up in eustation tube..anti biotics wud clear it .
I have had antibiotic ear drops as well as two different types and doses of oral antibiotics. My ear is clear of any wax. And inflammation marker in blood tests come back ok
I have Simptoms but ent don't give any answers going back for second time good luck