Menopause symptoms
i am desperate for advice, I am going on ... - Women's Health
i am desperate for advice, I am going on HRT I've heard so many different things ,pls advise which ones NOT to try, which help th best ?

I'm not sure if what I used was considered HRT or not, but here goes. I used Estrovera. An over the counter estrogen tablet composed of rhubarb supplements. Recommended by my holistic GP. It really helped with hot flashes etc, but I was still getting emotional symptoms so he also put me on a yam based Progesterone that a compounding pharmecy had to make for me. It really helped to Even out my mood though I was still having trouble sleeping and having anxiety.
I began taking Melatonin for sleep, exercising regularly and eating less sugar which all helped my sleep patterns. I also began using sleep hypnosis. I listen to Thomas Hall free on YoTube, but there are many you could try. I listened to his anxiety and depression sleep hypnosis which has worked wonders for my anxiety.
After several years of being on the estrogen and Progesterone, they got me out of balance and I ended up having an overload of estrogen and developed painful ovarian cysts. They eventually went away and I stopped taking the estrogen and Progesterone. Knock on wood, but the old symptoms have not come back and I've been off them for a year.
Good luck. I hope you find something that helps you and some relief. Menopause can be a hard time.
Highly recommend Ageless by Somers for an explanation of BHRT. also has more info. Dr Christiane Northrup has written the best book called The Wisdon of Menopause that will also lead you toward the most natural and helpful route. It’s important to be tested regularly by your doctor even though you may feel fantastic when you start BHRT, your levels can still get out of whack after a while. It saved my life in January and then this summer I cut back and now I see it’s necessary for me to stay on it. Check out Dr Christiane Northrup’s website and sign up for the newsletter. She also has helpful YouTube videos.
Just a note, melatonin should not be used on a regular basis as your brain will stop making it. Vitex, Sepia and GABA also help w menopausal symptoms if you’re looking for natural alternatives. Infrared sauna, acupuncture, rebounding, sweating and moving, milk thistle and dandelion, these things help your liver metabolize toxins which is crucial when managing hormonal changes. Just some ideas.

Everyone reacts differentl to all medication, including HRT. The best one is what works for you, not someone else as we are genetically different. You need to speak to your doctor to discuss what's the best option for you & your symptoms.
I've been taking Angelique successfully for 5 years, which came under recommendation from a gynaecologist I know, & who used it herself. I swapped to bioidentical hormones which are safer in terms of side effects, but did not feel as well or symptom free which is unusual.
After doing a lot of research, plus watching a VERY helpful programme about menopause on BBC TV, I discovered the safest and best HRT are patches (for women with a womb). I went on patches having suffered extreme and worsening perimenopause and then menopause symptoms for several years. The patches stopped all of it and I've had zero side effects.