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Training advice going forward.

ssjtom profile image
3 Replies

Hi there,

My names Tom, I'm 28 and I've been lifting properly now for about 6-8 months. I started my journey 3 years ago at around 17.5 stone (6ft tall) I'm now down to 15, still classed as overweight and feeling much better about it. Over the last 6 months I've worked on a routine that started as 2 days full body workouts I'm now lifting 5-6 days a week. I have no trouble with my motivation, I've really started to enjoy my lifting. My goals going forward are to continue to cut fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible.

I'm currently doing Intermittent fasting 16-8 (I don't eat anything at all till after I work out) Straight after my work out I'll have a 50g protein shake, few hours later a couple of poached eggs and maybe some beans. Then for a main meal chicken breast and green veg (green beans, asparagus brocolli etc). Only sups I take other than shakes are Multi Vits and Omega 3 fish oil. I've recently been considering adding in some creatine (any comments or recommendations on this?)

Below is my current work out routine - this is the final phase of this 16 week routine that ends with these sets. Going forward I'd just like to know what you think of this routine and what I might be missing out on or doing wrong. I've attached progression of my images from 3 years ago to a few weeks ago. (07/05/2013 last picture is 28/10/2015).

Routine -

Workout 1 -

Bench Press

Incline Dumbell Press

Incline Dumbell Flys

Cable Cross over

Close grip bench press

Dumbell overhead extensions

Tricep press down


Elevated Push ups

Russian Twists

Butterfly Crunch


I then do about 20-30 mins full out boxing on the heavy bag.

30 Mins swimming.

Workout 2 -

Barbell Row

Lat pull down

Seated Cable Row

Barbell Shrug

Barbell Curl

Incline Dumbell Curl

Preacher Curl

One Arm Row

Kettle Bell Swings

Wrist Curl

Deadlift (Heavy)

I then do about 20-30 mins full out boxing on the heavy bag.

30 Mins swimming.

Workout 3 -

Weighted Squats

Leg press

Kettle Bell Lunges

Standing Calf Raise with weighted shoulder shurgs.

Knee Raises

Lateral Lunges

Leg Extensions

Leg day thats on the program seems a little light to me even though it's still physically grueling (I squat about 90kg and it really takes it out of you especially after a 100kg leg press.) I usually throw some more abs in after this.

I then do about 20-30 mins full out boxing on the heavy bag.

30 Mins swimming.

Workout 4 -

Barbell Shoulder Press

Smith Machine Row

Dumbell Lat Raise

Dumbell Rear Delt Raise

Reverse Crunch


Russian Twists

(Another day that seems a bit lighter than others to me as well).

So this is what I'm doing right now for the next few weeks at least but for my body type and my goals I've no real idea if this will be right for me. I've learnt everything my self and all my friends are more into cardio and team sports so not got many people to mentor when it comes to lifting so any advice is welcomed.


- Tom

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3 Replies
ssjtom profile image

Hi, Thanks for getting back to me on this some very interesting information there.

Sorry I got it wrong on my squat - I see what you're saying if I weight 95kg its quite intense to be lifting 90kg. I squat the bar (20kg) and 30kg on each side so 60kg) so 80kg squat but it won't be long before I hit 90. Leg press Machine is two 25 plates on each side so 100kg. I don't really like to rest between sets as I get bored so most of my work probably goes to endurance but I want more definition than size building as I'm large as it is.

When I take in my protein I'm only trying to take in my marcros whats recommended to avoid turning protein into these dangerous reactions in my body but doing IF I'm lead to believe my body can process more protein and glycogen after the fast is broken.

I tend to have a high % of protein and fat to carbs like a 30 30 20 split tbh because I just seem to struggle to reduce fat so I figure it's best to stay away from so many carbs and let my body eat up some of my fat in ketosis.

I take Omega 3 because I don't really like fish, once in a few months I'll have tuna or salmon so I take the Omega 3 sup to make sure I get those good fats.

ssjtom profile image
ssjtom in reply to ssjtom

Oh Also with regards to sets and reps. I started off doing 3 sets of 12 reps for quite a while now I've switched to heavier weight doing 5-9 reps 3 or 4 sets depending on how I'm feeling.

ssjtom profile image


Cheers for getting back to me, I should say it's more 2,220 calories to cut 5 lbs a week while training pretty hard 5 days a week but 4 different routines for diff body parts.

Looking at 139 carbs, 99 kal fat, 194 protien and 2,300mg sodium. I don't always calorie count just protein and greens most days and one cheat day a week.

Completely with you on the low gylcemic index foods which is what I stick to 6 days a week - I only have anything high glycemic on a cheat day or bad carbs on a cheat day and I'd still do it after heavy weight training to fuel my muscles rebuilding. With you on removing the fat, I lift heavy to build the muscle more to burn more fat when sedentary. I'm at 23% Body fat but I want to get down to 10% and after the first 3 stone I've started IF because it's getting hader to reduce my fat.

That's true but all my work outs include full body heavy work outs. Heavy on my Deadlifts, Squats and Bench though there are also isolation exercises I'm just going off and this was a 16 week program that I'm in the last 4 weeks of that are meant to teach you a solid foundation in lifting and variations so that's why I want advice going forward.

Truth is though I have no idea if I'm overtraining or under training or working towards my goals properly which is to cut down my body fat to get my muscle more defined and revelead before I think about a bulk or building more larger muscle (Further down the line)

Today I did my leg day, Squats - Kettle Bell Lunges - Kettle Bell Squats - Leg Curls - Calf Raises with 20kg dumb bells - 100kg leg press. Mostly all done for 3-4 sets at 7-10 reps. Then boxing 20 mins and swimming 30 mins. I listen to my body but I want to push my self because I want to see more results and faster results.


- Tom