I'm looking for some weight loss pals to help motivate and give tips. weekly weigh in too.
my stats are 5'0 F 27 years old 11 stone 3.8 pounds bmi 30.5
I want to get to bmi 25!
I'm looking for some weight loss pals to help motivate and give tips. weekly weigh in too.
my stats are 5'0 F 27 years old 11 stone 3.8 pounds bmi 30.5
I want to get to bmi 25!
Welcome! I hope you find this forum supportive and helpful, it's full of fabulous people
I can relate as I was/am of similar measurements - I'm between 5ft and 5ft 1, and I started off weighing about 11 stone (22 yr old female).
I'm now 7 stone 5lbs - I found that mainly cutting down my portion size helped loads, (I was just having far too large portions) and also cutting out fizzy drinks and sweets and switching to water helped too. I eat mainly 'healthy foods' however I do allow myself the occassional chocolate or treat as I don't like to think of my eating habit as a diet, I want it to be more like a lifestyle change, and therefore something I can maintain for life.
In addition to that, I counted calories and as I lost more weight I ate a little less calories to ensure that I still continued to lose weight. I found 1400 to be fine to start off with, now at my current weight I find 1150 works for me more.
I also found that finding an exercise/sport you enjoy is really helpful (for me this is pilates, with added cardio), so I would suggest figuring out what might work for you, if you don't know already
Good luck & I hope you find some of this information helpful, and know that you're not alone & in good company on this fab forum, I've found the support to be invaluable.
Hey! I have a group on Facebook with a few ladies off here. Your more than welcome to join
we have a chat about how we do and stuff just a good way to keep each other motivated
Hi - would it be ok if I joined the facebook group too? x
Of course I'll send you a message on here x
Hi - that sounds a really good idea. I've just signed up on here yesterday - but know I'll need to keep motivated and exchanging tips is always good. Could I join too?
Of course you can I'll send you a message xx
Hi amiee-x-rose - I would love to join you and your friends on facebook. I need some motivation. I need to lose 30 pounds and so far I have managed to lose 11 - but it is really tough. I have had to change some of my eating habits.
Please contact me.
Of course you can sweetie I'll send you an inbox on here
Hi there
I am 27, female, 5 ft 4 in, 11 st 8 lbs, bmi 27.8, also want to reach bmi of 25.
We could be buddies if you want? X
Hi - well done on getting started! I have committed this week to stopping putting on more weight (have put on a stone in the last year), turning the ship around to get that stone off - and then another one besides to get into the middle of the ideal weight range for my height. In the meantime I refuse to buy any new clothes so everything is irritatingly tight! Extra motivation.
Stats are: 12st 7lb, 48 yo, bmi 28.2
Trying to use "my fitness pal" app on my phone for calorie counting and exercise logging - but have been defeated this morning by a pop up ad which is blocking everything and will not go away. May have to return to old school methods ie back to pen, paper and calculator!
Good luck for your target. Have you got any exercise planned to help you get rid of the excess pounds?
I'm here to support you in any way possible.if there is anything you want to ask or any tips lvsn pass on ,just ask good luck
You can definitely support me if you would like to. I am asking you to help me - please do.
Thank you very much.
hi Im also 27 and 5'3" with about 30lbs to lose would like a bit of support too my method at the moment is to limit my carb intake the nurse at my docs gave me a sheet with "carb points" of foods think it is something they normally give to diabetics. so I stick to 10 points a day or less so far so good but need to get some batteries for my scales to see if its really working! I would also like to join the facebook group if I can
Of course I shall inbox u on here Hun
If anyone else would like to join my Facebook group send me an inbox message on here you are more than welcome to join for some support
Please liberate yourself and ignore 'BMI' which I refer to as "Baloney Mass Index" It is one of the worst indicators currently being used. You'll know it's a height / weight ratio but did you know that Olympic athletes can be classified 'too high' or 'too low.' One better way is to get a decent set of scales which will allow you to track your BODY COMPOSITION i.e. muscle mass; body fat; hydration level; bone density; health age and RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) .... Oh, and it will tell you your weight which is not the best indicator either! And/or better is to measure yourself at the start with a tape measure - Chest, waist, hips (upper leg and arm too if you want to.) Track that way weekly and ignore BMI. I know this is not mainstream advice but to give some credibility I ran weekly weight management classes for 5 years where weighing was optional and we didn't 'diet' or count a single calorie or point... with many outstanding positive results. I have some educational videos on my YouTube channel and I'm creating a series of videos to upload soon based on the contents of my weekly weight management classes. Here's the link for now and you can subscribe to receive new ones as they come on if you like. goo.gl/BDK9YV Meantime, live well and be well. Peace