A Little update: I've just realised I go... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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A Little update

7 Replies

I've just realised I go through periods of being really focused on reading posts on here and replying to any that apply to me or posting myself and then recently I've gone through a period of not wanting to read any more about PCOS. I was very depressed about everything and the lack of improvements or progress with my own PCOS, and I just wanted to ignore it. Now I've got some progress to report I've spent a long time scanning through the posts I have missed out on and have decided to post an update on my own progress. I've also realised this is sounding more like a blog post than a discussion thread so excuse me. I find this to be a good outlet for all the information floating around my head.

For the story so far feel free to read previous posts :)

So I'm still not pregnant, (Been TTC for over two years now) which is frustrating but I am making headway. I recently decided that I could no longer wait on the NHS gynaecologist to review me. I had been told that I would be reviewed in 3 months, my GP was told I would be reviewed in 6 months and it has been over a year and i keep getting told there are a lot of people on the waiting list and I'm low priority. So my mother in law kindly offered me some money towards going to get seen privately. I spent a lot of time looking through private Drs close by and chose someone who specialised in PCOS and infertility.

She was amazing. So friendly and down to earth. Didn't make me feel like a burden. Understood that to me this felt like an urgent matter regardless of the fact I'm 24 years old. She explained to me that I'm struggling to lose weight (despite going to the gym regularly and eating better) due to insulin resistance and was happy to prescribe me metformin which I had originally asked the NHS Dr for and was refused it. She also suggested that I take a supplement called Inofolic. I've haven't purchased this yet but I will be soon. I've starting losing weight already and only been on the metformin for around three weeks.

She told me that she doesn't see any reason for my husband and I to not be able to conceive if I can lose weight and get my hormones under control. She saw nothing anatomically that was concerning on the internal scan and even thought at that time I was about to ovulate! This was such a relief to me because I had been very worried that no one was giving me any information and that maybe there was something more adding to the difficulty? Thankfully not.

It's great to finally have hope again, and something to work towards. I know that not everyone would have the resources to go privately for treatment and advice but I can honestly say it's worth saving for!

Thanks for reading my long drawn out post :) <3

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7 Replies
Aprily91 profile image

Its amazing what a positive mind can achieve, they say depression and anxiety is common in women with pcos so dont judge yourself too harshly, glad things are on the up for you, keep positive

in reply to Aprily91

Thank you so much for your reply. Yes PCOS has had a huge impact on my mental health and that side of things was a battle on its own, especially in the beginning when I was complete denial about mental health. You’re right we shouldn’t judge ourselves harshly at all. We all cope in different ways and we all get frustrated from time to time. So we have to enjoy any tiny hint of joy at the end of the tunnel :)

Rach82 profile image

It's good you're making progress and feeling more positive! I am in a similar situation, been ttc for well over a year. I have been taking inofolic instead of metformin as it has similar results but less side effects. Only on week five so can't really say if it's working yet... Best of luck xxc

in reply to Rach82

Ah Rach it’s so good to hear from someone first hand who is also taking it! Yeah the side effects of meteor in have been pretty rough but I’m at a stage where I will literally try anything once. I plan to start the infolic now too along side metformin. My BMI would be quite high unfortunately and I want to give myself the best chance. I really hope the infolic works for you! Please keep me up to date. Xx

Vonnah profile image

It will get better, keep fighting on. You are stronger than you think💜💪

Hols969 profile image

It took me 3 years to conceive Noah and TTC for such a long period of time is extremely depressing (which is why I only have Noah, who is now 11 and such a joy). You will get their in the end but I understand how frustrating and depressing it can be!!

enibas profile image

I know this was thread was started a while ago. I would be interested to hear how your experience of Inofolic supplement went if you tried it. The reason being, I have a teenage daughter that was diagnosed with PCOS and had been experiencing low moods. She started Inofolic on advice of a private gynaecologist and her moods deteriorated into full blown depression. I would say that she has always been drug sensitive, and dianette pill was also in the mix. However, after taking her off everything, the last being Inofolic, she is like a different person.

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