Creatinine Levels: Hi Has anyone with WG... - Vasculitis UK

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Creatinine Levels

4 Replies


Has anyone with WG any knowledge of raised creatinine levels?

I have been feeling unwell lately, bloods are all normal, but creatinine levels are slightly raised.

4 Replies
LynneJ profile image
LynneJVasculitis UKVolunteer

Hi Kate

I believe creatinine levels are to do with kidney function.

There is an answer on net doctor which explains a lot

It says higher creatine levels on there own do not mean anything. It could be to do with your WG but if your other blood tests are normal it may be the medication or something else.

It says that meat eaters have higher levels than vegetarians!

If you are worried you should ask your rheumatology nurse.

Hope all goes well.


Jann profile image

Hi Kate,

Lynne is right the creatine level is to do with the kidneys. The explaination given in the Renal Patient view is as follows:


This is the best routine blood test for measuring how well kidneys are working. It is produced by muscles and put out by the kidneys. Because it is produced by the muscles, it tends to be higher in muscular people, so that a weightlifter with normal kidney function will have more creatinine in their blood than a little old lady. Normal = 60-120 micromol/litre (0.7-1.4 mg/dl).

Result Comments

less than 60 Suggests a very small person, or someone with little muscle (including small children).

60-120 'Normal' - but there could still be reduced kidney function (see below)

120-200 Mild to moderate kidney failure - but in someone with little muscle, 200 could sometimes mean more severe kidney failure.

300+ Moderate to severe kidney failure.

Most dialysis patients have creatinine measurements over 300 all of the time.

Creatinine measurement methods vary, so the same blood samples may give slightly different results in two different labs. They also vary from day to day, so small % changes in Creatinine do not mean much unless they are part of a trend. Sometimes you need to repeat the test to be sure.

A problem with Creatinine tests is that levels do not rise much in early kidney disease - they may be normal until more than 50% of kidney function is lost in some patients. Ways to get round this include using creatinine along with other tests to estimate GFR - eGFR gives an approximate % kidney function, and is returned automatically on many samples sent for creatinine measurement. Creatinine Clearance is a more difficult measurement of kidney function that requires a 24 hour urine collection.

These is also a link to a site for more infromation.

You would haveto check that your test results relate to these figures as different hspitals might measure differently.

If your are being seen by a Renal consultant then check if you can get access to renal patient view. But do not panic about your results it is always best to ask your consultantor clinic nurse.

SusannC profile image

Hi Kate

Have you had a cold lately? i'm just getting over one and it raised my creatinine from 131 to 168, with the corresponding decrease in kidney function. my Renal consultant sent me for another blood test and a chest xray yesterday and it's now back to my usual level. The only thing I took for the cold was co-codamol, and honey & lemon, so it shouldn't have been dru-induced.

Hope you're feeling better soon.



Thanks for the answers.

I have my 6monthly checkup with consultant in a few weeks time, I am sure everything will have settled down by then.


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