hey, I have Takayasu’s and been on several different treatments over the last 3 years. My body isn’t responding to any of them, tocolizumab, methotrexate, adalimumab, leflumenide and I’m currently on my 2nd long term dose of Prednisolone which I started on again at the beginning of 2023. I’ve gone from 60mg to 7mg this year. On Wednesday last week I went down to 6mg. I had a very emotional and upsetting Friday and only slept about 3 hours. I woke around 6am and instantly felt ill. I had the worst headache, severe vomiting, sweats, freezing, I was very ill. Almost delirious at points. After about 6 hours of in and out of sleep and vomiting with crazy head pain I took 10mg right after I was sick in the hope the time between vomiting would be long enough to get it absorbed. I had not taken any of my daily medications. Within an hour I started to feel like I wasn’t going to die and by later in the evening I managed something to eat. It was very scary though. I’ve left a message with my Rhuemy but could be a while before they get back to me. I’ve now had 15mg of Pred the last 2 days and I’m so scared this could happen again. I’m a single mum of a 7 year old (who thankfully wasn’t home at the time!) and would hate her to witness that…
My questions are- was this adrenal crisis? It happened so quickly, how is best to deal with this as I struggled to function? And was it brought on by the emotional stress, dropping to 6mg or both.. just some feedback about similar experiences would be great too. The next step is JAK inhibitors?
phew, that’s a lot so thank you for reading 😊