Isotope skeletal x ray. Has anyone had this to look for signs of inflammation?
Isotope skeletal x rsy: Isotope skeletal x ray... - Vasculitis UK
Isotope skeletal x rsy
Dear rwl89t1967,
This Sounds, rather like, a Scan I had some years ago now. I think, it might be, the Radio Active Isotope one- it certainly sounds similar. I have had so many different Scans, over the years, that I can't be too sure. However, if it is this one, or similar then this what to 'expect'.
You will arrive, for the Scan, around half an hour before and your 'Details' will be checked (DON'T worry if they are 'Checked' more than once, better Safe). You will then be given an injection, of a Radio Active 'Marker', this allows the Scanner to work. I can't remember how long, I then waited- not 'Ages' though, before the Scan was performed. I think this scan, is 'Done' with you lying on a Bed, whilst a 'Scanner' goes over you. You MAY have to get into a 'Tube' of some kind....Either way, don't worry about it, it won't take long! (There might be some 'Strange' noises, though NOTHING 'Beats' a Brain Scan for that!)
I hope that I HAVEN'T Scarred, the SH-T out of you, it REALLY isn't a Difficult scan. What 'They' are looking for is, as you already know, 'Inflammation' of the Type that is Occult in Nature ('Hidden' in other Words). I'm, quite sure, that your 'Own' Doctor(s)/ Consultant(s) will be willing to guide you further, on these matters.
It only remains for me to, wish you, Good Luck- you WILL be Fine.
When you have the test, the radioactive material will gather at places in your bones that are the site of chemical or physical changes. The radiation is then picked up by a scanner.
The picture made by the areas of radiation gives your doctor a kind of map of abnormal areas in your bones.
My husband John had an isotope scan a few years ago as he was suffering from unexplained pain.
When I had breast cancer, I had a radio active isotope injected into my breast along with an injection of blue dye, which showed where my cancer had spread to (into one lymph node beneath my armpit).
Thank you x