I do manual work.Any people in same boat or similar be good to hear from you. im 50 yr old
Working folk ive lge vessel vasc and poss gc... - Vasculitis UK
Working folk ive lge vessel vasc and poss gca ,im worn out can you manage work with this disease.Been off 14 wks hope I can get back to work
It varies so much from person to person, also the severity of the Vasculitis. Some people do manage to return to work and some people cannot. I returned to work after my initial diagnosis and treatment, but working less hours, I took early retirement 5 years later. I was diagnosed at the age of 57.
Thanks for reply John ,im only 50 have allsorts going on read my other posts,dont want to type all out again.Polyglandular auto inmmune failure now this,in hand of hr at company at present got to see company doc largely manual work I do tho not that heavy.Had eyesight probs with gca ,so hoping for an improvement in my tiredness with infusions and steroid reduction eventually.Thks again for reply.Any advice from you or your good lady appreciated.
I am a veterinary nurse and am on my feet all day! I have TAK. My work have been fantastic and very understanding with my illness which started 10 years ago, after I had to have an aortic valve replacement only a year after I qualified.
I was advised by my surgeon to give up my job due to the risk of infection incase I get bitten or scratched by the animals. Work have accommodated me by allowing me to only deal with dogs (as these can be muzzled) and are slightly lower risk than cats. I was prompted to deputy head nurse so my role changed again. Now, as my disease has progressed, I work 4 days per week, and have every Wednesday off. I find Wednesday is a great day to have off because with it being mid week, it really breaks the week up, and after resting on that day I'm ready for another 2 days of work then it's the weekend!!!! If I am having a rough time, I am able to do shorter hours or half days, and then gradually build myself up again to 8am-5pm. My role has recently changed again, partly due to my health and partly due to my team expanding, so I am now more office based which I do find a bit easier, although I do still end up doing a lot of running around!!
My suggestion would be, seriously think about cutting the amount of days you do, and if possible, have a midweek day off, and very slowly start to build up your hours. When I first went back, I only did 2 hrs a day 3 days a week!!! Good luck!!! Xx
I have WG and work full time (can't afford not to) I get tired and am having problems with tear ducts and trachea at the moment but work are very understanding. I think it depends a lot on the severity of the Vasculitis.
Hi there!
I been off work as.a.result of GPA VASCULITIS.since I got admitted in hopstal and diagnosed in Feb this year. Was in a coma also for just over a month staying for 2 months in total. I still haven't returned to work and it's been 4 months since I've left hospital. Im.26 and find it so tring walking and get breathless just going up the stairs in my house. Works been really nice and said to take my time. I did email saying I have every intention of returning in February 3 days a week until full time in April. I'm starting to think I should extend the pt hours as I'm a social worker n it real is so very stressful...but my advice is really do take your time and this disease gets really bad. It's an unseen one. I may look okay outside but my knees ans llegs feel.terrible!