Does anyone else get frustrated by seeing a ... - Vasculitis UK

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Does anyone else get frustrated by seeing a different Dr at each clinic at Addenbrookes? I do because it seems like ground hog day each time

maisie5 profile image
11 Replies

Does anyone know why they do this? So frustrating having to go through years of symptoms over the previous dozen or so visits.

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maisie5 profile image
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11 Replies
PatriciaAnn profile image

I guess that is one of the problems of being treated at a large centre of excellence. You "take your ticket" and you are seen by the next available doctor. However, the upside is that the doctors at Addenbrooke's are experts in their field and there is always someone on hand to answer questions that might require more expertise than the individual seeing you possess. Also you have the comfort of knowing that your case will probably be discussed by the vasculitis team, after the clinic, to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

I don't think being seen by different doctors is just a problem at Addenbrooke's. This criticism is levelled at many hospitals. As patients we don't care for this approach but it's the NHS and that is how it is done.

I would rather be seen by a different doctor each time at Addenbrookes than by the same doctor each time whose knowledge of vasculitis could be written on the back of his hand. Fortunately I am always seen by the same doctor in a relatively small rheumatology clinic and my chap is really on the ball - but I appreciate I am one of the lucky ones.


Chris-Bromsgrove profile image

Hi Maisie5

Pat is right, there are pros and cons to being treated by one consultant vs being treated by a group in a clinic. However in the case of the Addenbrooke’s clinic there does seem to some room for improvement. Like you I am treated by a group of consultants at a special renal clinic at the QE in Birmingham. During the year or so that I have been attending the clinic I have seen five different consultants. They do seem to keep good records on my condition and treatment because I find that I generally have little to explain, as it is all in my notes. Their expertise on vasculitis is excellent and I have had no trouble getting access to them at short notice when problems have arisen. That doesn’t always happen when you are treated by a single consultant.

It must be frustrating having to explain your case history over and over again (especially if you have had vasculitis for some time) but it shouldn’t have to be like that.


Mooka profile image

I have seen three different doctors. One I have seen twice and one looked after me when I was admitted so knew me quite well. I have seen people asking Stella if they can be seen by Doctor Jane or one of the consultants so you could try that. All of the doctors I have seen at Addenbrookes have been huge improvement on the doctors at my local hospital who didn't seem to have the understanding of vasculitis and even then I wasn't seen by the same Doctor each time. Patricia Ann is right though they do discuss us all after clinic so ultimately we are getting the best care available. There has been a lot in the news today about co-ordinating care for patients with diseases like ours, at least at Addenbrookes our care is co-ordinated with the other departments; at least that has been my experience.

Take care


milliewin profile image

I think I also must be lucky, although I dont have the expertise of Addenbrookes but am lucky enough to go to Southampton General and have only ever seen one Neurologist and one Rheumatologist Consultant so dont have to go through the whole story everytime I go, which would be a nightmare and I would not be getting the care needed?

I also stick to the same GP who is also excellent as I refuse to go through my whole background each time I need to discuss something, this shouldnt happen for rare diseases like Vasculitis. My GP is close to where I live and he has excellent communication with my Consultants, which is the way it should be and he regularly calls me if there are any problems?

Essex-jill profile image

I have been going to Addenbrookes for more than 6 years and I have nearly always seen the same consultant when I ask Stella, the Sister in charge of clinic 12 on my arrival. If you ask I'm sure you will be able to see the same consultant.


suffolkgirl profile image

I too have sometimes felt frustrated by seing different doctors. Although I am under Dr Jayne, I've only seen him once, and since October 2012 I've probably seen at least 4 other doctors from the vasculitis team, some of them more than once, as well as Dr Johnny and Dr Meyer. However, as one of them said, often another pair of eyes and ears can be very helpful, and whichever doctor you see at clinic, they do all discuss their patients later. If there was any difference of opinion, I believe Dr Jayne would have the final say.

suffolkgirl profile image

As Jill says, it is possible to ask Stella or one of the nurses, if you can see one particular doctor, as I think I have done once.. However, your chosen doctor may not be there on the day you go, so it is not always an option.

maisie5 profile image

Thanks to everyone for their input. I think I will ask Stella on next visit. As you can see I am slightly complicated having the following diagnoses: GCA, DIABETES TYPE 2, PERNICIOUS ANEMIA, SEVERE OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA, RHUEMATOID AND OSTEO ARTHRITIS, FORESTIERS DISEASE

I have recently started to go deaf with a return to enormous fatigue and some new symptoms: runny nose, feeling of a swollen throat, ear ache, annoying dry cough, watery red eyes, vertigo. Each Dr seems baffled (including Dr Jonny) because my bloods are ok with the exception of ESR which is up slightly at 22.

Thanks again.

BronteM profile image

When I first went to Addenbrookes, I was lucky and saw the same doctor each time. Now I'm more 'routine' I seem to switch between the same two or three. Only once have I felt that the doctor really wasn't up on my notes.

The best thing though has been that if a doctor has suggested that he/she needs to talk to the team, they have always rung me later at home, and filled me in on the discussion.

At my previous hospital, the doctor stayed the same, but he usually left me to the nurse specialist, and put his head round the door if she asked him to. That really felt isolated - especially when she told me that I was their only vasculitis patient!

Zebra profile image

I have been under Clnic 12 for four years and not had this issue. If you are, then ask Stella on arrival and you will be able to wait to see who you wish. You can even call ahead to see if they are on a few days before your appointment and if not she will swap you to the next clinic they are.

Zebra profile image

Ps my bloods are always normal too and Dr Jayne says this is often the case with some forms of Vasculitis.

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