I don’t know if anyone else who lives in the North West region of England saw the news report this evening on ‘Granada Reports’ about a middle aged woman from Southport who suffers with severe hyperacusis and Tinnitus? It was a sad report, the poor thing has to wear defenders all the time, can’t leave her house or enjoy her kids - it’s quite awful. However she spoke about looking into having an operation that she’s waiting to have which she hopes might help her? I think you might be able to find the news report on itv online if you want to see it or and maybe find out a bit more about her and possibly this procedure that she says she’s going to have? I just thought this needed highlighting and may help the eventual fight to find a proper treatment and cure for all of this with spreading these messages about?
I realise I’m bound to have upset someone on here with posting this 🙄 but for those of you who are more rational thinking and aren’t quick to find or make up negatives / want to pick a fight with everything that’s said, then this is worth watching, and who knows if someone with real power and sway out there may have been watching this it could start off a positive chain reaction to getting us all some proper treatment or even a cure!?