Hi, I found this link (see below) on another post on here, but felt I should share it with all of you just in case some of you maybe haven’t seen it? It’s well worth a looking at, it’s about a guy who had T very badly and how he learnt to habituate to it to the point that he’s now got rid of it!! I think for me it’s the closest we’re going to get to a decent treatment / cure by listening to what he has to say? And yes it might not work for everyone I know, I’ve started to try and implement his ideology and it’s not easy as we all want results straight away i know, but maybe changing the way we think about T could be key here?And he explains it all in layman’s terms and he’s easy to relate to. And yes it’s not easy I know, esp if like me you also suffer with adhd and ocd? Both of which I am in the throws of currently trying to sort out. But I digress - do have a look at what this guy had to say if you’ve not already. Good luck!
YouTube vid re. How to get rid of Tinnitus. We... - Tinnitus UK
YouTube vid re. How to get rid of Tinnitus. Well worth a look!

Hi MAC0811, Thank you for this link. I found it really interesting. I have endured T for a few years now. As I have anxiety I have found it difficult to cope with at times. I will try to incorporate his teaching and hope I can make it work for me, in time. Thank you.
i will certainly look at this,thanks
I saw this and also found it very helpful. Good to listen to positive messages like these
Hello MAC0811
Thank you for posting this link. I look forward to watching it.
Best wishes.
You sound quite together I think! But I don't really agree that it's all connected to how you think of it. If you broke your leg you would get it realigned and set in plaster. If you're just told to think it away or to think of it as a newly formed reshaped leg it's not going to set straight or be good to walk on....so, as Tinitus is a real but real thing that consumes the ability to think I simply CAN'T think it away!

I feel the same, but until a decent treatment or cure is ever found - I think this is the best we’ve got! I had habituated years before and for a good few years and I was fine with it but not sure if lifestyle changes add to the pills I was on (Prozac) not working anymore caused it to come back? But I think I also suffer with OCD (so obsess on things) and am waiting to have it properly confirmed if I also have ADHD / Autism to boot!? Which could all be helping to drive the Tinnitus?? I read once about a woman who had T quite bad and also had ADHD, she was later given some pill for the ADHD and it calmed down her T!? So I’m looking down that road atm.
Having said that, I can't help but HOPE that one day it will mysteriously vanish just as it mysteriously arrived!