I am struggling with anxiety and now upon waking I have like a wind sound just in one ear could this be ti nitus
Tinnitus on waking: I am struggling with anxiety... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus on waking

Hi there,
This does sound like tinnitus to me, though I need to note I am not a medical practitioner, just a sufferer 🙂
Tinnitus is any observed sound without an identifiable source, so tinnitus indeed.
Your experience is similar to mine that started in late Oct/early Nov last year. I started to suffer from anxiety like symptoms: Nightsweats, struggle sleeping, panic attacks, irritability. I then started getting a sound similar to what you describe in one ear. It's still with me now, though I'm much more habituated to it at this point.
I've since been diagnosed with anxiety and on sertraline at the moment, as well as doing some meditation as well.
I suggest if it persists, seek medical help. Tinnitus is almost always nothing serious, but an MRI would be good to ensure that's the case.
I hope tinnitus passes quickly for you, it often does for most people. You have come to a place full of those who aren't so lucky! But it does get easier!
just to confirm what ghlla says.
Tinnitus might go away of its own accord - it has a mind of its own.
If you don’t know about it already, you might find information and help from the website of Tinnitus UK, the specialist charity.
Do come back here if you’ve got specific queries, or indeed read the posts here and especially the replies.
YES. , Stay calm and it might go away. If you stay stressed it probably won’t ease up. Go for a long walk. Walking helps a lot
Stsy calm. The only way to "control" tinnitus.
But do get your gp to check it. It may be ear wax?
I asked tinnitus UK why I was waking to tinnitus. It starts before I've even opened my eyes. A clinician emailed back to say that cortisol levels surge as we're coming to in the morning as the body prepares to do the day. T is linked to the fight flight freeze system, hence it mught click in or be more detectable on waking That sounds reasonable to me.
Hi SHEPHER Tinnitus can certainly get a lot more obtrusive when you are suffering from anxiety. It’s like a vicious circle, one makes the other one worse. I have tinnitus which started by stress, my Consultant called it emotional tinnitus. Mine is a hissing sound in my left ear, but I do seem to on and off get a couple of days in succession when I don’t hear it. I do always wake up with tinnitus but if you can keep calm and try to ignore it you too could get a couple of noise free days.
Thanks Basbun, I am getting very bad nausea every morning too