I would like advice on benefits claims if someone knows about Disability and PIP claims for tinnitus.
Tinnitus Benefits Claims: I would like advice on... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus Benefits Claims

here is something I’ve copied from the govUK website
“You can get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if all of the following apply to you:
you’re 16 or over
you have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
you have difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around
you expect the difficulties to last for at least 12 months from when they started
You must also be under State Pension age if you’ve not received PIP before.”
So, does your T mean you have difficulty doing certain tasks or getting around? For instance, you need help to have a shower, or cannot walk more than a certain distance? If this is the case then have a look at the forms you would need to fill in.
And if you think you should apply and need help to do so, then make an appointment with Citizens’s Advice Bureau locally.
I've been through this myself and I did find something on equality rules. Comes under some heading like that to help you for Tinnitus. Sorry I'm not very good for words but it's something similar. I've gone through it and now receive Pip at the moment. But I do have other conditions as well. Very bad Arthritis. And after all how they expect anybody to be able to do a job with a screaming noise in your head is just beyond me. Sometimes it's as much as I can do just to not curl up.. Which I do frequently. Good luck get lots of advice there are things on Google to help. Vary your searches and don't forget it's all about keywords. And most of all don't let them get away with anything.
Totally agree T is disabling. Trying to concentrate in a quiet room is really painful. But how do we prove what we're suffering? Nobody understands but us. That's the worst thing of all.
Hi Valentine.I contacted the PIP people twice and they basically told me to 'do one.'
Despite paying fortunes in tax since starting work in 1977 and never claiming a penny from the state, apparently I'm ineligible for help because I can drive to a supermarket, cook food and take a bath/shower without help.
The fact that I can't/haven't worked since the day this screaming ringing and hissing started a little over three years ago is apparently irrelevant as I'm capable of knocking up a Bolognaise and washing my arm pits without the help of a carer apparently indicates that I'm okay. My skull being ripped in two and having to wear a headband with speakers 24/7 pumping masking sounds into my head is apparently of no relevance. They're not interested in Tinnitus. According to sources, PIP are only interested in the things you 'cannot do.'
If you can do the basics to survive then they are not interested. I can't work with this condition. My profession involves a customer facing environment and travel, both impossible, although I am currently considering travelling to France and making the return journey in a dinghy, that appears to be a decent earner once you arrive here.
There are some videos on YouTube with people giving help on how to apply for PIP and other benefits that may be of some help.
Good luck my friend.
Love and silence to all.
I have had tinnitus from having COVID vaccines started and would not want it again when they offered it to me. This wonderful new Labour government is cutting pensioners and disabled people benefits. It's a shame that after paying 30 years in taxes they wanna strangle the people who are struggling to get on with life and it's causing mental health issues long term.
Hi, yes the cuts that we suffer. Is what's paying for the board lodgings beurocrats pension pots and investor's profits. We are being milked dry by those in power. People suffering from T are more forgotten, than most. I've spent my whole life with an alarm in my head. Trying to live a normal life. It's just not possible.
my partner has been able to claim statutory sick pay as he is self employed if you ask your GP to give you a fit note you can claim online (HMRC website from memory) and it is very straight forward. You have to keep getting a fit note 3 months but it does help
I work as a benefits advisor & know how high the bar for eligibility is for PIP. It's effectively a disability benefit and whilst we all know how bad T can be, there's no way it can be objectively assessed. I always tell clients that if you can wash, dress & feed yourself, the chances are you're not going to get PIP.
There are PIP self-assessment tests you can do to see what you would score yourself as for PIP. Try the Benefits & Work website.