Hi All
I recently joined the forum to help others suffering from Tinnitus having fully habituated. I suffered for well over 18 months back in 2021 but through working on myself i got to the stage where I literally forgot I had Tinnitus for long periods and when i did hear it the impact on me was very slight.
Then earlier this month I had a very difficult period too long list but its fair to say my stress cup got very full and overflowed!
Since then I have been struggling again with my Tinnitus. I cant say its any different to how I experienced it in the earlier days when I first heard my Tinnitus back in 2021 but my reaction to it has changed. I honestly never thought that would happen again but here we are.
Good thing is I've given so many others advice on this that I know what I need to do, I know what worked last time and I know timescales wont be anywhere near as long as before.
This highlights to me the importance for everyone with Tinnitus to look after that stress cup and to prioritise health over everything else.
Thanks for listening