Reactive tinnitus has disabled my life : Car travel is very difficult and i have to wear ear defenders and cant go further than a 20 min drive. I cant go to shops or restaurants anymore. Cannot travel on train or plane. I am pretty much a prisoner at home now because of it
Has anyone else has become disabled ( like me)... - Tinnitus UK
Has anyone else has become disabled ( like me) with the reactive T and cant go out and about ?

I'm mostly homebound because of severe T and hyperacusis.
My husband also has severe tinnitus/hyperacusis and apart from medical appts does not go out. Cannot even sit outside as birds tweeting too loud. Wears ear defenders too but having these on too long starts spike.He is seeing an ENT consultant now following CT scan which I had to insist he had (MRI scan negative) which showed problem with middle ear bone being investigated atm. As his carer I also understand the impact of this awful condition and anyone suffering has my sympathy 😔
Thank you Spinach123 . It is very difficult. I'm incredibly sad, not only for us sufferers, but for those who care for us as well.
What is apparent to me as my husbands carer is the lack of understanding especially from the medical professionals we are encountering on the journey, you ask them to keep voice quiet so not tempt a spike and most of them just ignore your request and don't realise the severity of the condition. I hope you are having support.
surviveT, I recognise your name from previous posts. I’m so sorry you are not improving. Is it a good idea to ring Tinnitus UK? Again, if you’ve spoken to them before. I’ve copied this from their website:
Call us on 0800 018 0527 or chat online with us from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
Good idea Rosie. As sound sensitivity is something affecting this forum member, perhaps our webchat - via - and our e-mail inbox - - are options, too?
My heart goes out to you nothing in life has scared me more than tinnitus, im ok with loud noises although the T does get louder when i go to bed due to listening to the loud tv for a few hours at night and i understand how you feel in the car because i am the same, i dont know about yours but i have a very high kind of screeching sound that goes straight to my head, its kind of painful and it gives me a horrible feeling inside , but all that stops as soon as i stop the car, on rare occasions its not too bad, im off to cornwall in august which is probably about a 7 hour drive i am dreading it, but nothing stops me any more. I'm very sorry, your T when traveling seems worse than mine, hopefully it will settle down, again my heart goes out to you.
Yours is a very unfortunate situation. My tinnitus is now reactive much of the time. It does react to loud outside noises, such as traffic noise, although I find that if I just go about my business, it seems less aggressive after a while. Mine can also compete with modest indoor noises, such as the sound of the TV, which can be very annoying and distracting. It has much reduced my capacity to listen to music on my Hi-Fi, which was one of my main pastimes a few years ago - so, it has largely taken away my main pleasure in life, and concerts are now out of the question. And I agree that noisy restaurants can be a challenge. So, while I am not housebound due to tinnitus (touch wood), it has significantly impacted my enjoyment of life.
I am exactly the same as you! I try and not let it affect my life but it is very difficult. I too can’t listen to music any more which was my passion as I’ve lost the ability to hear the higher tones (I have musical ear syndrome). I tell myself it could be worse, instead of having undefined repetitive musics 24/7 it could be ringing/screeching and all the other sounds people hear. We all try and cope as best we can. It has made me very selfish as I am refusing to go on holiday, something we used to look forward to.
Mine is screeching and hissing, but it varies over a cycle of a couple days and, fortunately, I do get some relief from the screeching. I have to pick my time to listen to Pop/Rock music (at moderate levels) on my Hi-Fi, but I seem able to tolerate Classical music on a small radio for much of the time, which has now become my main musical pleasure.
I sympathise. I had MES for a bit. I'm relieved it has gone. Although it was moderately entertaining it was also more distracting for me than the usual tinnitus and felt a bit crazy. It seems to change.
How long did you have mes for? Mine started after a covid infection and it's on a loop 24/7playing 3 notes for 2 weeks It increases on volume with any external sounds. I'm only 40 and scared this will be my life. I also have tinnutues which has increased in volume. I've lost appetite and list motivation to do anything.
Hello - you have my sympathies , and YES I am struggling like never before too. My T started after PTSD form some bereavements was diagnosed three years ago. It is definitely getting worse now. The T is loud and in both ears, the screech changes to a whistle and back again form low pitch to unbearable high pitch. My doctors and specialists keep offering nothing more than sympathy now. I have dizzy spells with the Hypoacusis and eventually the disruption causes me long term headaches also, which will go away after a week or two, it settles down and then I get normalised then then any stress with work and it all kicks of again the same cycle. I feel unable to cope properly, and in a pretty high powered role I get to the end of my week exhausted and fragile. I know the cycle will be with me for life... I wish it was considered as a disability at least I could take time out to reflect and get myself together.. I am 63 now.. I cannot retire till 67, I soldier through getting weaker each week. I "Live" for the quiet days but know the cycle will return. My sleep is acceptable as I wear a sleep mask with piped white noise, but the the sounds and images of daily life all bring it on again. the only support I can find is on this site - by people like you and us on here? As I type this I do feel a little better (for now) _ Please persevere and keep us informed on any progress you can make! good news helps! I wish you well....