pulsating tinitus: I have pulsating tinitus in... - Tinnitus UK

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pulsating tinitus

Chocolate41 profile image
14 Replies

I have pulsating tinitus in left ear.It goes with my pulse.!!

I haven’t seen a doctor yet would you advise I should?

It’s driving me crazy.What can I do to stop it please


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Chocolate41 profile image
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14 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

my advice would be to look up the website of Tinnitus UK. There’s a section on pulsatile tinnitus (which isn’t as common as plain old boring tinitus). Put pulsitalie in their search box

TinnitusUKPat profile image

To add to Rosie's post: tinnitus.org.uk/understandi...

It is something that doctors can sometimes objectively test for by listening to the neck or the skull with a stethoscope - if it's possible for them to hear the same type of sounds as you via this method, the pulsatile tinnitus would be independently verifiable and that might open up some more avenues for treatment or at the very least onward referral.

Shantelle00 profile image

Hi Chocolate 41,

I experience this in my right ear.

I notice that if I turn my head to the left, the noise is louder. When I press on my neck (possibly the jugular vein) the sound goes away. As soon as I release my hand it comes back.

I booked an appointment with my GP who then referred me to ENT. I was on the waiting list for a few months. After being seen by ENT they told me that my ears are fine and healthy. Therefore they referred me to get an MRI scan. I had this done two weeks ago. I am waiting for the results.

Chocolate41 profile image
Chocolate41 in reply to Shantelle00

Thank you for all your reply’s .Think I will have to make an appointment to see my GP.

That’s if I can get one.😢

Eviz33 profile image
Eviz33 in reply to Shantelle00

I also have this in my right ear. I mainly only hear it at night when I put my head on the pillow. I’ve had my ears checked & hearing checked with ENT doctor. Waiting for an MRI now. I’m so worried about it being something serious. Hope your results come back okay, please let know what your results are if that’s okay.

Shantelle00 profile image
Shantelle00 in reply to Eviz33


Have you tried different sleeping positions. I find laying on my right side helps. I think it's because of the pressure on the pillow. I also like sleeping with one of those V shaped/pregnancy pillows. The shape of it also helps with the placement of my head.

Also, I recently found that travel pillows help me. If the noise is unbearable, I put one of those on and it seems to help.

All sounds a bit random but they often work for me and offer a temporary relief!

Eviz33 profile image
Eviz33 in reply to Shantelle00

Thanks for the advice regarding pillows- I have tried a few but not sure it makes too much of a difference. I’ll try the V shaped one- mine doesn’t bother me that much- I manage to get to sleep. I’m more concerned about why it’s happening & if it’ll get any worse.

Catalkoy profile image
Catalkoy in reply to Shantelle00

I am interested in this group with pulsatile tinnitus as I have it in left ear and at times it drives me mad. My doctor diagnosed pulsatile and simply directed me to a tinnitus Web site. Never suggested an MRI ??? Very interested in how others get on with MRI results.

Shantelle00 profile image
Shantelle00 in reply to Catalkoy

Hi,I actually first went to the GP back in May 2022 about my tinnitus. This is when I first got symptoms. They referred me to the website and said to come back if it gets worse.

March/April 2023, the symptoms became more frequent and was going to my heartbeat so I decided to make another appointment end of March 2023. He referred me to ENT and sent me for a blood test.

May 2023, I had my blood test. I knew it would come back abnormal because I have thalassemia. (From what I read it's possible there is a link between anaemia and tinnitus).

June 2023, I had a telephone appointment with the GP where they discussed my results of the blood test. Again, they referred me to the tinnitus website. I told him it was making me depressed and that I was struggling to sleep. He prescribed me a low dose antidepressants to be used as a sleep aid. I was on the lowest dose possible. These helped me for a short while (about 7 weeks) until they didn't so I stopped taking them.

December 2023, 9 months after being referred, I finally had my ENT appointment.

January 2024 I had an MRI with and without contrast.

I will keep you updated.

Minsky profile image
Minsky in reply to Catalkoy

Hello. I’m new to this site as well. I had to push for a scan with contrast which showed AICA loop basically an artery behind ear pressing on cochlea nerve. Now waiting for another head scan with contrast. They tried to tell me I needed counselling! I will let site know if further scan shows anything and what treatment if any is available. Do hope you find some help other than a tinnitus website as although useful not always the answer. Good luck and stay positive.

PABLR profile image

Yes, you should get it checked. I have had it in both ears at different times and now has it continuously in my right ear. In my left ear they discovered a vascular loop, not serious in my case and having nothing to do with my hearing loss which was down to Meniere's. But sometimes surgery is recommended as I was told vascular loops can cause hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo for some people. Unfortunately there is little you can do for tinnitus except try to keep busy, possibly masking, and if it's really bad Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which can help you come to accept it. I have learned to just put up with it as most of us do, but it can be very debilitating.

Lynne-H profile image

Have you had a hearing test to see if you have any hearing loss? I developed pulsatile tinnitus in about 2014/15 following a virus which caused hearing loss. I was given hearing aids which at the time didn`t really help because I was so distraught - at the time the tinnitus completely ruined my life.

Eventually I had an MRI Scan done privately and was told by the consultant that because of the hearing loss I was picking up the sound of my heartbeat from the carotid artery which apparently runs very close to the hearing nerve. Knowing this didn`t really help the way I felt at the time but eventually I found the BTA now called Tinnitus UK and I joined a local support group, joined this forum and gradually things began to get better. Now I hardly notice the pulsatile tinnitus.

I have since then also gained musical tinnitus but that only occasionally gets on my nerves.

You may find an answer to your tinnitus but if you have to live with it believe me it is possible. It won`t happen straight away but it will happen.

See your doctor - have any tests available - stay with this forum - lots of good advice and information here. And you`ll never feel alone because there are so many going through what you are now.

Good Luck

dutyhog profile image

I’ve had PT for decades in one ear only. An MRI scan showed no serious defects. Most of the time now I ignore it completely. It’s only noticeable in bed, when it’s quiet. Now and again I play masking noises (nowadays from iPhone to hearing aid by Bluetooth) if I can’t sleep. During the day the hearing aid picks up enough sound to mask it out. Pressure behind the ear can stop it, but that’s not practical and could be dangerous. The ENT consultant says they can in theory operate to block off the blood flow that’s moved too near, but it’s too risky.

Once you know there’s no danger to you acceptance develops and it should stop bothering you. Good luck.

JEHSPORT profile image

Pulsatile tinnitus is not tinnitus. There is usually an underlying cause, often, but not always vascular. Many ENTS do not understand the difference and you will need to push for tests etc because they will try to dismiss you. Tests include MRI as a start then MRA but CTV and cerebral angiogram when you find someone who understands PT. In the UK there are few of those, the best was Mr Axon and the team at Addenbrookes but I don't know the situation since the pandemic.

You can request referral to any relevant specialist through the NHS even if out of area. Check this on the NHS website as some GPs don't seem to know or will try to tell you otherwise.

The coping mechanisms for tinnitus can be useful for PT - relaxation, meditation, white noise, sleep stories, doing what you enjoy, spending time with friends & family - not hiding away.

On white noise, don't have it too loud as you could damage your hearing- the secret is your have it just lower than the PT - you are trying to retrain your brain to listen to the white noise rather than the PT.

Do your homework but don't quote spurious sources to doctors - keep it to NHS/Tinnitus UK. There is also a Facebook support group called Whooshers which is a US site but more UK sufferers are joining too.

Good luck, keep pushing!

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